Exonhit Therapeutics

ExonHit Therapeutics is a world-leading company in the field of alternative RNA splicing, the process by which a single gene can lead to several proteins. ExonHit's proprietary gene profiling technology DATAST is utilized to identify genes whose splice variants produce abnormal proteins which may trigger or contribute to the development of disease. The company's strategy is to leverage on this valuable. Biological information in the fields of drug discovery, diagnostics and biochips.

ExonHit Therapeutics is a world-leading company in the field of alternative RNA splicing, the process by which a single gene can lead to several proteins. ExonHit's proprietary gene profiling technology DATAST is utilized to identify genes whose splice variants produce abnormal proteins which may trigger or contribute to the development of disease. The company's strategy is to leverage on this valuable. Biological information in the fields of drug discovery, diagnostics and biochips.

Contact Exonhit Therapeutics

65 Boulevard Masséna <BR>F-75013 PARIS

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