geneWAVE S.A.S.

Genewave develops and sells a range of innovative biophotonic instruments and consumables for genomics and proteomics research. This includes high sensitivity microarray slides, compact biochip readers, and systems with integrated fluidics as well as components for lab-on-a-chip devices. The Company also offers surface functionalization services.

Genewave develops and sells a range of innovative biophotonic instruments and consumables for genomics and proteomics research. This includes high sensitivity microarray slides, compact biochip readers, and systems with integrated fluidics as well as components for lab-on-a-chip devices. The Company also offers surface functionalization services.

Genewave’s customers are academic institutions, hospitals as well as pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies.

In addition to the French national research programs in which Genewave is strongly involved (OSEO, DGA, ANR, RIB), the Company also participates in several European STREP projects.

Contact geneWAVE S.A.S.

XTEC Bat 404 Ecole Polytechnique Campus 91128 Palaiseau

Website link