Hitachi Software Engineering Europe S.A.

Hitachi Software Engineering has been involved in the development of basic software for large-scale computer systems, as well as the development of application systems. The Biotech division of Hitachi Software Engineering promotes Software and Hardware


DNASIS - The Most Comprehensive Software Package for Sequence Analysis. All you expect from gene analysis programs is available in DNASIS. In fact, sequence analysis customers have used versions of ...


Image Analysis

The Image Analysis is a software program for the analysis and digital storage of data from 1-D, 2-D, 96 well, slot/dot blot and DNA sequencing electrophoretic gel images. Image Analysis combines the...



The dual-sided gel electrophoresis apparatus system is the perfect tool to increase you sample data analysis, which can process two gels simultaneously, with a rotating base providing an easy access t...



DNASpace provides a very flexible environment for creating custom bioinfomatics workflows. The beauty of this program is that you can tailor these workflows for both high throughput and specialized co...


Western Blot Kit

Our Chemifluorescence Western Blotting kit allows sensitive, Chemifluorescent detection of specific Protein targets. Attomolar detection sensitivity Non-isotopic detection with low background Quanti...


Hitachi Software Engineering has been involved in the development of basic software for large-scale computer systems, as well as the development of application systems. The Biotech division of Hitachi Software Engineering promotes Software and Hardware

Contact Hitachi Software Engineering Europe S.A.

Parc de Lime're-ZI d'Ardon, BP 629, F-45166 Olivet Cedex, France

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