Immunochemistry Technologies LLC

ImmunoChemistry Technologies is not just a contract laboratory for protein chemistry. We’re your trusted supplier for apoptosis assays, ELISA detection reagents, and custom ELISA development and other protein chemistry-related services.

Our mission is to advance scientific discovery by developing innovative products for apoptosis detection, cellular analysis, and immunoassay development. We offer novel apoptosis detection reagents to study various biological processes and cellular physiological status, including apoptosis, caspase activity, mitochondrial health, and necrosis. Our ELISA Solutions™ are specialized ELISA buffers and immunoassay components for assay development, specially formulated to improve assay performance at each step.

Our in vitro apoptosis assays detect active caspases, cathepsins, serine proteases, and assess mitochondrial health in cultured cells. Our proprietary FLIVO in vivo apoptosis assays detect apoptosis in living animal research models. The fluorescence-based FLIVO tracers have been used to research chemotherapeutic efficacy, neurodegeneration, and eye disease, among many other applications. One day, the apoptosis detection technology may be used to better manage disease and personalize treatment.

FLIVO® won LifeScience Alley's New Technology Showcase Award in December 2008. Our current research activities are developing additional apoptosis probes for noninvasive imaging applications.

ImmunoChemistry Technologies' contract laboratory specializes in custom ELISA development, assay manufacturing, testing, and protein chemistry-related services. From our experience performing these assay development services, ICT has developed and offers a specialty line of ELISA buffers and stabilizers for assay development and IVD test manufacturing.

ImmunoChemistry Technologies is not just a contract laboratory for protein chemistry. We’re your trusted supplier for apoptosis assays, ELISA detection reagents, and custom ELISA development and other protein chemistry-related services.

Our mission is to advance scientific discovery by developing innovative products for apoptosis detection, cellular analysis, and immunoassay development. We offer novel apoptosis detection reagents to study various biological processes and cellular physiological status, including apoptosis, caspase activity, mitochondrial health, and necrosis. Our ELISA Solutions™ are specialized ELISA buffers and immunoassay components for assay development, specially formulated to improve assay performance at each step.

Our in vitro apoptosis assays detect active caspases, cathepsins, serine proteases, and assess mitochondrial health in cultured cells. Our proprietary FLIVO in vivo apoptosis assays detect apoptosis in living animal research models. The fluorescence-based FLIVO tracers have been used to research chemotherapeutic efficacy, neurodegeneration, and eye disease, among many other applications. One day, the apoptosis detection technology may be used to better manage disease and personalize treatment.

FLIVO® won LifeScience Alley's New Technology Showcase Award in December 2008. Our current research activities are developing additional apoptosis probes for noninvasive imaging applications.

ImmunoChemistry Technologies' contract laboratory specializes in custom ELISA development, assay manufacturing, testing, and protein chemistry-related services. From our experience performing these assay development services, ICT has developed and offers a specialty line of ELISA buffers and stabilizers for assay development and IVD test manufacturing.

Contact Immunochemistry Technologies LLC

9401 James Avenue South, Suite 155, Bloomington, MN 55431

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