Inpharmatica Ltd

Inpharmatica specialises in the use of predictive informatics in genomics, medicinal chemistry and ADME to improve the speed and productivity of drug discovery. Founded in 1998, the company employs around 90 professionals at its UK locations in London and Cambridge, with business development in North America and Japan. Inpharmatica’s unique proprietary technologies and skills are utilised in major discovery laboratories worldwide.

Inpharmatica specialises in the use of predictive informatics in genomics, medicinal chemistry and ADME to improve the speed and productivity of drug discovery. Founded in 1998, the company employs around 90 professionals at its UK locations in London and Cambridge, with business development in North America and Japan. Inpharmatica’s unique proprietary technologies and skills are utilised in major discovery laboratories worldwide.

Inpharmatica is unique in offering discovery technologies and services which span the full breadth of research from gene through to candidate selection: the three core elements are fully integrated, enabling customers to access its end-to-end technologies, or individual components and services as required.

The key elements are:

Biogensa™ - combines biology and bioinformatics expertise, comprehensive annotation knowledge-bases, tools and services to facilitate target selection.

  • Comprehensive functional annotation of all known proteomes
  • Rapid look up of discovery-critical information from diverse sources
  • Simplification of microarray analysis and interpretation
  • Identification of drug targets and drug target classes based on sequence, 3-D structural and binding site information

From advice on target selection strategies, analysis of clients expression data, through to access to comprehensive and pre-calculated databases - Biopendium™ and its modular counterpart Annotation Express™ - Biogensa offers a tailored solution to clients’ genomics and proteomics outsourcing needs.

Chematica™ - a powerful proprietary chemogenomics approach to drug discovery, which draws on Inpharmatica’s vast drug discovery-relevant databases and expertise.

  • Druggability (selection of targets and projects for lead chemistry potential)
  • Most appropriate drug-like chemistry starting points and libraries
  • Antibody targets (comprehensive identification of proteins & accessible epitopes)
  • Drug & compound reprofiling (alternative targets and indications)
  • Focussed compound library design

Chematica is available through tailored research collaborations, projects, services or via licensing components of the technology, such as the proprietary databases StARLITe™, DrugStore™ and GPCR SARfari™.

Admensa™ – a unique combination of ADME optimisation expertise, proprietary in silico tools, laboratory services and consulting, to enable early selection of compounds with an optimal balance of properties. Admensa provides expert assessments and decision support to improve success rates from lead discovery through to candidate selection .

Admensa is available through research collaborations, services and via licensing its patented in silico optimisation technology, Admensa Interactive™, for on-site installation.

Contact Inpharmatica Ltd

Inpharmatica Ltd 1 New Oxford Street London WC1A 1NU

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