
LibraGen's resources cover all aspects of biocatalysis, namely new biocatalyst discovery by taking advantage of its metagenomic technology as well as selection of accessible enzymes and cultivable microbes, molecular evolution, substrate choice and supply or substrate synthesis using classical chemistry, target or bioassay oriented screening of biomolecules, biotransformation medium engineering, product recovery, purification, characterisation and identification.

LibraGen starts with functionnal genomics (genes and biosynthetic pathways) by taking advantage of its metagenomic platform to end at the establishment of the optimised production protocols with the production of sample amounts. LibraGen combines in-house projects and fully integrated projects within the framework of contract research and development agreements (full services and out-sourcing), R&D partnership and alliances. In house projects, in collaboration with wellknown european academic partners, allow all the company to build up continuously its resources and to keep abreast of the latest technological advances in molecular biology, chemistry as well as in the biocatalysis and fermentation fields. With a strong know-how in molecular biology, fermentation, biotransformation reactions, extraction and purification of biomolecules, its commitment to custom-made, cost-effective and confidential collaborations, LibraGen carries out tailor-made multitechnology R&D projects in a reliable manner as far as the technical and management aspects are concerned.

LibraGen's resources cover all aspects of biocatalysis, namely new biocatalyst discovery by taking advantage of its metagenomic technology as well as selection of accessible enzymes and cultivable microbes, molecular evolution, substrate choice and supply or substrate synthesis using classical chemistry, target or bioassay oriented screening of biomolecules, biotransformation medium engineering, product recovery, purification, characterisation and identification.

LibraGen starts with functionnal genomics (genes and biosynthetic pathways) by taking advantage of its metagenomic platform to end at the establishment of the optimised production protocols with the production of sample amounts. LibraGen combines in-house projects and fully integrated projects within the framework of contract research and development agreements (full services and out-sourcing), R&D partnership and alliances. In house projects, in collaboration with wellknown european academic partners, allow all the company to build up continuously its resources and to keep abreast of the latest technological advances in molecular biology, chemistry as well as in the biocatalysis and fermentation fields. With a strong know-how in molecular biology, fermentation, biotransformation reactions, extraction and purification of biomolecules, its commitment to custom-made, cost-effective and confidential collaborations, LibraGen carries out tailor-made multitechnology R&D projects in a reliable manner as far as the technical and management aspects are concerned.

Contact Libragen

Batiment Canal Biotech 1<BR>3 rue des Satelittes<BR>34100 Toulouse<BR>France

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