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Microsynth AG

Microsynth (founded in 1989) is a leading European company in nucleic acid synthesis & analysis. The main activities are divided into following three business areas: DNA/RNA Synthesis, DNA/RNA Analysis and Sequencing, Contract Research/Outsourcing.

Full PlasmidSeq

Microsynth’s state-of-the-art full plasmid sequencing service is based on long-read sequencing technology. It will reconstitute the sequence of your plasmid using a sophisticated bioinformatic pipeli...


Microsynth (founded in 1989) is a leading European company in nucleic acid synthesis & analysis. The main activities are divided into following three business areas: DNA/RNA Synthesis, DNA/RNA Analysis and Sequencing, Contract Research/Outsourcing.

Contact Microsynth AG

Microsynth AG, Schützenstrasse 15, P.O. Box · 9436 Balgach, Switzerland