Multiplicom N.V

Multiplicom’s multiplex PCR technology (an algorithm for the design of multiplex PCR primers called MultiplexerTM ) and our expertise are based on years of wet-lab experiments that proved the validity of our approach and resulted in a number of applications:

Multiplex Amplicon Quantification (MAQ)
Multiplex PCR based 454 sequencing
Multiplex based microsatellite genotyping

Every application benefits fully from the advantages of multiplex PCR: a large reduction in time and costs compared to standard PCR methods and other molecular approaches.


A simple, robust and complete CE-IVD validated diagnostic test of breast and ovarian related cancer for detection in MPS The BRCA MASTR™ Dx is a molecular diagnostic assay for the identification of m...

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Multiplicom’s multiplex PCR technology (an algorithm for the design of multiplex PCR primers called MultiplexerTM ) and our expertise are based on years of wet-lab experiments that proved the validity of our approach and resulted in a number of applications:

Multiplex Amplicon Quantification (MAQ)
Multiplex PCR based 454 sequencing
Multiplex based microsatellite genotyping

Every application benefits fully from the advantages of multiplex PCR: a large reduction in time and costs compared to standard PCR methods and other molecular approaches.

Contact Multiplicom N.V

Multiplicom N.V.<br>Galileilaan 18<br>2845 Niel<br>Belgium

Website link