National Physical Laboratory

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK's national measurement institute and is a world-leading organization of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology available.

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK's national measurement institute and is a world-leading organization of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology available.

Good measurement improves productivity and quality; it underpins consumer confidence and trade and is vital to innovation. We undertake research and share our expertise with government, business and society to help enhance economic performance and the quality of life. NPL's measurements help to save lives, protect the environment, enable citizens to feel safe and secure, as well as supporting international trade and companies to innovation. Support in areas such as the development of advanced medical treatments and environmental monitoring helps secure a better quality of life for all.

NPL employs over 500 scientists, based in south-west London. Our laboratory is a 36,000 square-meter purpose-built measurement building with 388 of the world's most extensive and sophisticated measurement science laboratories.

Contact National Physical Laboratory

Queens Road, teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LW, UK