Oncall Health

Dr Aidan Gill has years of experience working in every major medical and surgical service throughout the public health sector. He trained at the University of Auckland, and has had experience working in almost every major public hospital in New Zealand.

Dr Gill began Oncall Health to improve hospitals and health-care delivery, providing patients with faster, better and safer care. His in-depth experience allows Oncall to provide health-care solutions specifically tailored for the requirements of hospital staff and the patients they care for.

In his spare time Dr Gill sings as an Operatic tenor, including roles such as Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus, and more recently in Madame Butterfly with the New Zealand Opera Company.

Smartpage Web Based Messaging Service

Good hospital care depends on good communication. Health care is the only industry that continues to rely on ageing paging systems. Critical clinical communication suffers due to widespread issues of ...


Dr Aidan Gill has years of experience working in every major medical and surgical service throughout the public health sector. He trained at the University of Auckland, and has had experience working in almost every major public hospital in New Zealand.

Dr Gill began Oncall Health to improve hospitals and health-care delivery, providing patients with faster, better and safer care. His in-depth experience allows Oncall to provide health-care solutions specifically tailored for the requirements of hospital staff and the patients they care for.

In his spare time Dr Gill sings as an Operatic tenor, including roles such as Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus, and more recently in Madame Butterfly with the New Zealand Opera Company.

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