Suministros Grupo Esper, S.L is a company with an experience of more than 5 years in the development and commercialization of technical instruments for laboratories, made up of professionals from very different fields and experiences.

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Suministros Grupo Esper, S.L is a company with an experience of more than 5 years in the development and commercialization of technical instruments for laboratories, made up of professionals from very different fields and experiences.

This feature and the fact of not being committed with previous designs has made possible the launching of really innovative designs at highly competitive prices. OVAN is the brand used by Suministros Grupo Esper, S.L. to market its standard laboratory products. Our design relies on avant-garde technology based on R+D+i having many advantages such as:

  • Component modularity: it brings a great flexibility in this design, making possible the fast widening and adjustment of our range of products in order to be able to adapt to the market needs.
  • Microprocessors: they dramatically reduce the number of components, increasing reliability.

Contact OVAN

Pintor Roig i Soler, 14 Pol. Ind. Bonavista Badalona, Barcelona 08916

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