Oxford Immunotec

Oxford Immunotec Ltd. is an international T cell measurement company with a mission to develop and sell innovative T cell measurement products which address major unmet scientific and medical need. The company was founded in 2002, based on world-leading research at the University of Oxford, and is headquartered near Oxford, UK.


The T-SPOT®.TB test is a revolutionary product that diagnoses both latent TB infection and active disease by measuring T cells that have been specifically activated by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)...

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Oxford Immunotec Ltd. is an international T cell measurement company with a mission to develop and sell innovative T cell measurement products which address major unmet scientific and medical need. The company was founded in 2002, based on world-leading research at the University of Oxford, and is headquartered near Oxford, UK.

Contact Oxford Immunotec

91 Milton Park<BR>Abingdon<BR>Oxfordshire<BR>OX14 4RJ

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