Phthisis Diagnostics

Phthisis (Tye-sis) Diagnostics is a rapidly growing biotechnology company developing the Simply Molecular® product catalog, with a range of innovative molecular diagnostic products designed for speed, accuracy, & ease of use. The Simply Molecular® catalog offers solutions for Total Nucleic Acid Extraction, DNA Extraction (coming soon), and Molecular Standards for Quality Control (custom and stock catalog items). A Real Time PCR Assay for the detection of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and E. histolytica will be available in 2013. Other Real Time PCR assays are currently in the pipeline.

Phthisis Diagnostics also offers custom, OEM manufacturing of reagents for use in molecular-based diagnostic assays, Point of Care tests, and environmental pathogen testing.

Phthisis (Tye-sis) Diagnostics is a rapidly growing biotechnology company developing the Simply Molecular® product catalog, with a range of innovative molecular diagnostic products designed for speed, accuracy, & ease of use. The Simply Molecular® catalog offers solutions for Total Nucleic Acid Extraction, DNA Extraction (coming soon), and Molecular Standards for Quality Control (custom and stock catalog items). A Real Time PCR Assay for the detection of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and E. histolytica will be available in 2013. Other Real Time PCR assays are currently in the pipeline.

Phthisis Diagnostics also offers custom, OEM manufacturing of reagents for use in molecular-based diagnostic assays, Point of Care tests, and environmental pathogen testing.

Contact Phthisis Diagnostics

705 Dale Avenue Charlottesville, VA 22903

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