
Plexpress was established as a spinoff from the Finnish Technology Research Center (VTT) in 2007. The company’s TRAC technology has been developed continuously for nearly 10 years and it has been documented in over 15 publications. The technology was originally developed for demanding bioprocess applications, which required a very robust solution for gene expression analysis. The principal developers of the technology, Hans Söderlund and Jari Rautio, are still closely involved with the company as Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board and CEO, respectively. Since starting commercial operations in 2008, the company has carried out over 50 projects using TRAC technology, in fields spanning pharmaceutical development and academic research.

Plexpress was established as a spinoff from the Finnish Technology Research Center (VTT) in 2007. The company’s TRAC technology has been developed continuously for nearly 10 years and it has been documented in over 15 publications. The technology was originally developed for demanding bioprocess applications, which required a very robust solution for gene expression analysis. The principal developers of the technology, Hans Söderlund and Jari Rautio, are still closely involved with the company as Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board and CEO, respectively. Since starting commercial operations in 2008, the company has carried out over 50 projects using TRAC technology, in fields spanning pharmaceutical development and academic research.

Contact Plexpress

Finland Viikinkaari 6 00790 Helsinki

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