RSP Systems

There are no small parts
Each person on our team was carefully chosen for their specific expertise and skill set. We celebrate the variety of personalities and backgrounds that are connected to these skill sets and acknowledge the essential role played by each.

There are no small parts
Each person on our team was carefully chosen for their specific expertise and skill set. We celebrate the variety of personalities and backgrounds that are connected to these skill sets and acknowledge the essential role played by each.

Never too proud
Early on, we decided that if somebody was doing something smarter or more efficient than us, we would not be too proud to examine alternative solutions. Doing this enabled us to achieve some major breakthroughs in the development of our technology and the creation of our device.

Commitment to quality
For us, quality is not just about creating a device that works from a technical standpoint, but is also creating one that is safe for users, complies with regulations, has been thoroughly tested in clinical studies, and is produced with deep consideration for its usability and functionality.

Emphasis on knowledge sharing
We believe in the importance of providing thorough information about our development and are prepared at all times, to clearly articulate the science and technology behind our device.

Contact RSP Systems

Sivlandvænget 27c 5260 Odense S Denmark