Sage-N Research Inc.

World leader in Integrated Data Appliances ( IDAs) For Proteomics Research. Accelerating the pace of drug discovery.

Sorcerer 2

Sorcerer 2 is designed to support multiple researchers, such as in high-throughput laboratories, core facilities and corporate environments.Designed for scientists whose throughput and sophistication ...


World leader in Integrated Data Appliances ( IDAs) For Proteomics Research. Accelerating the pace of drug discovery.

Sage-N Research, Inc is the world leader in supplying state of the art, easy to use Integrated Data Appliances ( IDA's) For Mass Spectrometry, Proteomic Research. Some of the world's leading proteomics laboratories use Sage-N Research Appliances to fully characterize proteins in complex biological samples. This information is then used for critical research that can accelerate the pace of drug discovery.

The company was founded in 2002, and is a privately held corporation headquartered in San Jose, California in the heart of Silicon Valley. The main product line is the Sorcerer?family of appliances, compact analysis systems that set up in minutes, and require no software installation or IT administration.

The vision of Sage-N Research is to allow easy-to-use proteomic data analysis solutions, Using patent ?ending Pattern Match Accelerator?hardware and systems technology, the IDA's offer processing throughput for protein identification that otherwise might require significant compute nodes. What previously use to take days can now be done in a matter of minutes. The IDA's are extremely fast and require very low maintenance. They offer a simple "plug and play solution."

The recently introduced second generation Sorcerer 2 IDA is the first product of its kind for proteomics. It can be considered to be generally equivalent to a 40-node (dual processor) cluster, with top speed approaching a 100-node cluster.

Contact Sage-N Research Inc.

Sage-N Research, Inc. 1525 McCarthy Blvd Suite 1000 Milpitas, CA 95035

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