
Skretting is a global leader in providing innovative and sustainable nutritional solutions for the aquaculture industry. We deliver outstanding feeds and services to fish farmers worldwide for the sustainable production of healthy and delicious fish and shrimp.

GEMMA Micro 300

GEMMA Micro is formulated with a high percentage of soluble hydrolyzed marine proteins, HUFAs, phospholipids and algae which results in each particle exhibiting a striking green coloration. GEMMA Micr...


Skretting is a global leader in providing innovative and sustainable nutritional solutions for the aquaculture industry. We deliver outstanding feeds and services to fish farmers worldwide for the sustainable production of healthy and delicious fish and shrimp.

Skretting produces a specialty feed suitable for all life stages of zebrafish culture. GEMMA Micro is a unique, patented diet, formulated to facilitate early weaning of zebrafish larvae from live feed to micro-pellets. GEMMA Micro offers complete nutrition to adult fish, requires no Artemia, and can reduce feed frequency to only one feeding event per day. Complete integration of the GEMMA Micro program results in healthy, robust, and highly fecund zebrafish with shortened generation time.

Contact Skretting

15 Saunders Way, Suite 500E Westbrook, Maine 04092

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