Society For Laboratory Automation and Screening

SLAS is a global community of more than 19,000 scientists—from academia, government and industry—collectively focused on leveraging the power of technology to achieve scientific objectives. The organization provides forums for education and information exchange to encourage the study of, and improve the science and practice of, laboratory automation and screening.

SLAS is a global community of more than 19,000 scientists—from academia, government and industry—collectively focused on leveraging the power of technology to achieve scientific objectives. The organization provides forums for education and information exchange to encourage the study of, and improve the science and practice of, laboratory automation and screening.

  • Biomolecular Sciences

To advance SLAS's exempt purposes with respect to the science and technology of drug discovery and the use and development of biomolecular screening technology.

  • Laboratory Automation

To advance SLAS's exempt purpose by furthering science and education related to laboratory automation, and in particular by encouraging and advancing the study and improving the practice of laboratory automation.

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