STRmix Ltd

STRmix™ is expert forensic software that can resolve previously unresolvable mixed DNA profiles. Developed by global leaders in the field, it uses a fully continuous approach for DNA profile interpretation, resolving complex DNA mixtures worldwide.


STRmix is sophisticated forensic software used to resolve mixed DNA profiles previously considered too complex to interpret.


STRmix™ is expert forensic software that can resolve previously unresolvable mixed DNA profiles. Developed by global leaders in the field, it uses a fully continuous approach for DNA profile interpretation, resolving complex DNA mixtures worldwide.

STRmix™ interprets complex DNA results in minutes.

STRmix™ software runs on a user's PC, without the need for high-speed computing.

STRmix™ can easily be understood and explained in court by DNA analysts.

STRmix™ is a breakthrough for forensic analysts as it can assist investigations using DNA evidence that was previously considered too complex to interpret. The software has been developed by New Zealand Crown research institute ESR, with Forensic Science South Australia (FSSA). STRmix™ includes a function that allows the software to match mixed DNA profiles directly against a database. This is a major advance for cases where there are no suspects and there is DNA from multiple contributors in one sample. With STRmix™ you will be able to:

  • interpret DNA results faster
  • combine DNA profiles from different kits in the same interpretation
  • compare profiles against a person of interest and calculate a likelihood ratio
  • resolve previously unresolvable, complex DNA mixtures with no restriction on the number of contributors
  • use more of the information in a DNA profile, and model any type of stutter
  • search complex, mixed DNA profiles against a database.

Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR)
ESR uses the power of science to solve complex problems with the potential to affect the lives of all New Zealanders. It is the sole source provider of forensic services to the New Zealand Police while its comprehensive knowledge of the presence and interpretation of DNA is utilised across the country and around the world.

Forensic Science South Australia (FSSA)
FSSA provides independent, objective expert scientific opinions and evidence to the justice system and community of South Australia undertaking a comprehensive range of forensic case work in Pathology, Biology, Toxicology and Chemistry.

STRmix Limited
STRmix Limited is a newly formed subsidiary of ESR, and was founded to better serve international customers of STRmix™.

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