Texas Biomedical Research Institute

Texas Biomedical Research Institute is pioneering and sharing scientific breakthroughs to protect you, your families and our global community from the threat of infectious diseases. The Institute has an 80-year history of success that includes work on the first COVID-19 vaccine and therapies, the first Ebola treatment, the first Hepatitis-C therapy, and thousands of developmental discoveries. Texas Biomed helps create healthier communities with science that inspires new generations through STEM education programs, delivers jobs and economic impact in our community and heals through innovative research.

Texas Biomedical Research Institute is pioneering and sharing scientific breakthroughs to protect you, your families and our global community from the threat of infectious diseases. The Institute has an 80-year history of success that includes work on the first COVID-19 vaccine and therapies, the first Ebola treatment, the first Hepatitis-C therapy, and thousands of developmental discoveries. Texas Biomed helps create healthier communities with science that inspires new generations through STEM education programs, delivers jobs and economic impact in our community and heals through innovative research.

Contact Texas Biomedical Research Institute

P.O. Box 760549 San Antonio, TX 78245-0549

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