
Upstate develops innovative cell signaling products, technology platforms and services to accelerate your life science research and drug discovery efforts.

Anti-ubiquityl-Histone H2A, clone E6C5

Purification: Ammonium sulfate precipitationClonal type: monoclonalIg Type: IgMHost: MouseImmunogen: AMA (human epithelial amnion) cell residual nuclear pellet portionsRecognizes: ubiquityl-Histone H2...


Upstate develops innovative cell signaling products, technology platforms and services to accelerate your life science research and drug discovery efforts.

Upstate has earned its reputation for developing the most thoroughly characterized and highest quality reagents, kits and services in our industry. Our commitment to the advancement of science has led to novel products and services that enable your passion for discovery. Our KinaseProfiler™ selectivity screening service surpasses other similar services by over 40 available kinases, and our Beadlyte® Multiplex detection kits for the Luminex™ detection technology are breaking new ground for multiplexing key cell signaling proteins, cytokines/chemokines and growth factors.

Contact Upstate

706 Forest Street, <BR>Suite 1<BR>Charlottesville, <BR>VA 22903<BR>USA

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