Microbiology and Infectious Disease Summit 2022: SelectScience Virtual Event

SelectScience invites you to join clinical scientists, clinical researchers, clinicians and point-of-care specialists from across the globe for this unique event in the microbiology calendar. Join us online, in real-time, to discuss the very latest developments in the fields of microbiology and infectious diseases, with talks on topics including sepsis, meningitis, COVID, malaria and the role of the microbiome in healthcare.

An entirely digital event, this Virtual Summit is designed to offer an interactive forum for scientists and manufacturers to continue to connect and share the latest technology solutions at this critical time.

The Virtual Microbiology and Infectious Disease Summit on May 17th is completely free to attend and will feature presentations by industry leading scientists, clinicians and technology innovators, workshops, video interviews, virtual booths, cutting-edge resources, the latest product and application news, as well as live Q&As, networking and live-chat opportunities.

Why attend?

Keep up with cutting-edge clinical research from world-class speakers Access white papers, academic posters, case studies and more Ask the experts – live Q&As with live Q&As with manufacturers, clinicians & clinical scientists Discover the latest technology advancing healthcare outcomes Network with scientists & healthcare professionals, globally

Read more about the Summit and our world-class speakers here.

Register here

