SelectScience® How-to-Buy and Application eBook Guidelines

What is an eBook?

  • Our downloadable eBook PDFs present independent information for your target audience, connecting them to you through content and lead capture.
  • The eBooks Influence buyers researching new products or applications.
  • How-to-Buy eBooks are editorially written and produced on a specific technology or product area. These eBooks are independent guides, and the editors will include your product information and product review(s) where appropriate. You will also have a banner placement on the eBook webpage.
  • Application eBooks are a compilation of your existing content on a specific application or workflow, with an editorially written introduction and product highlights summary.
  • The eBooks are promoted throughout 12 months from publication through email, social media and editorial promotion

Content Recommendations

  • Peer-to-peer product reviews are highly influential to purchasing scientists – the product you wish to highlight in your How-to-Buy eBook must have at least one product review. We can help you to generate reviews if the product does not currently have any.
  • As well as application notes, you can also feature other formats of content in your application eBook, including videos, articles and posters. We highly recommend that videos and articles feature your existing customers talking about how they use your product in their application/workflow.

Content Deadlines

  • Content for How-to-Buy and Application eBooks is due 12 weeks prior to the delivery date of the eBook.
  • Banner content (Premier or Featured) is due 1 week prior to the delivery date of the eBook.

Copy Guidelines

  • You will be provided with a briefing document for either your How-to-Buy or Application eBook. Please complete this with as much detailed information as possible, and return to us by the deadline, to ensure we can produce the eBook to a high-quality and by the delivery date.
  • How-to-Buy eBooks will feature a product of your choice, so we will need to know which product, which review to feature, as well as additional supporting content or information around trends and applications.
  • Application eBooks will feature up to 10 PDF resources and will highlight the challenges and solutions for this application/workflow. Content for your eBook can include application notes, editorial articles, highlighted videos, case studies, white papers etc. Our editors will provide guidance on optimized length and content for your eBook to produce the most engaging content for our audience.
  • Please provide all PDFs in an unlocked format – the editorial team will not change the material, but this allows them to extract information if needed.

How-to-Buy eBook Banner Specifications:

  • Premier sponsors receive a 300 x 250 banner, which can be either video-based or graphical.
  • Featured sponsors receive a 300 x 100 banner, which can be either a static or an animated graphic.
  • Your banner copy can be changed at any time within the 12-month period.
  • Video banners are 300 x 250 pixels (video files should be 16:9 to accommodate a title on the banner). Please send a link to the videos on your site or contact us to transfer your video to our server. We are also able to extract video content from YouTube. The video will play within the banner space, so an alternative would be to create a graphical banner that looks like a video banner, but would direct traffic to the video page and description.
  • Graphical banners (300 x 250 or 300 x 100) should be 300 k max size and accepted formats are animated .GIF or static .JPEG.
  • Please also provide a destination URL for graphical banner traffic.
  • Please note, we are no longer able to accept .SWF (Flash) files

Application eBook Series:

Be the market leader in your field – partner with SelectScience on a series of application eBooks to grow and maximize customer engagement, drive fresh sales leads, and ensure you stay number one.

Application eBooks can be booked on request for a chosen topic, contact your account manager for further information.

Image submissions: Any images supplied for publication must have a license for usage. Any liabilities arising from the incorrect use of an image supplied to SelectScience and published on the SelectScience website will be passed on to the provider and/or their agent. In the event of improper usage of a supplied image, SelectScience will charge an administration fee to the image provider and/or their agent.

For more information contact your Account Manager.