SelectScience® Editorial Feature Guidelines

What is an Editorial Feature?

  • A month-long editorial feature on a specific application or hot topic
  • Positions you as an industry-leading brand and thought leader, and creates an association with leading scientists
  • Promote your products, latest application notes, posters, or customer videos on a dedicated page with a targeted Feature Email Alert

Content Recommendations

  • Educational and informative application-based content, such as application notes or posters, on the topic of the feature
  • Customer video or editorial article highlighting the application/workflow and solution

Content Deadlines

  • For the Premier sponsor editorial article, we require the interviewee details a minimum of 6 weeks before the delivery date of the Feature
  • For the Premier sponsor banner (300 x 250px), copy is due 2 weeks before the delivery date of the Feature
  • For the Featured sponsors, content for the launch email is due 3 weeks before the delivery date of the Feature
  • Any supporting content for the Feature page is required 3 weeks before the delivery date of the Feature

Copy Guidelines Premier Sponsorship:

  • Editorial article featuring your key customer or an internal expert – please provide their name, title, company, business email address, and telephone number, as well as the completed brief (we will provide the form)
  • Premier position – we will feature your Premier article in the Editorial Feature Alert Email, you will receive a proof to approve
  • Exclusive Editorial Email – we will select the best content from any supporting materials you have provided (see below) and include the featured products in an email that we will create for you. We will create and send you a proof to approve
  • Exclusive banner (300 x 250)
    • Graphical banners are 300 x 250 pixels, 300 k max size, and should be animated with a .GIF or static .JPG image
    • Please also provide a URL for banner traffic
  • Supporting application notes, white papers, posters, infographics, or videos to be published and included on the Editorial Feature page
    • If submitting an article, application note, white paper, infographic, poster, guide:
      • Please ensure your content is focused on the topic of the special feature
      • Please send your material as an unlocked PDF document to allow our editorial team to easily extract required information, your document will not be altered. Articles will be added as open material on our website, other PDF content will be gated behind a landing page and download form
    • If submitting a video:
      • Send a link to the video online or contact us to transfer your video to our server
      • Please submit your video in .MP4 or .FLV (Flash) format
      • Please note that we are also able to extract video content from YouTube or Vimeo

Featured Sponsorship:

  • Featured position in the Editorial Feature Alert Email – highlight your application content in the targeted email
    • If submitting an article, application note, white paper, infographic, poster, guide:
      • Please ensure your content is focused on the topic of the special feature.
      • Please send your material as an unlocked PDF document to allow our editorial team to easily extract required information, your document will not be altered. Articles will be added as open material on our website, other PDF content will be gated behind a download form
    • If submitting a video:
      • Send a link to the video online or contact us to transfer your video to our server.
      • Please submit your video in .MP4 or .FLV (Flash) format.
      • Please note that we are also able to extract video content from YouTube or Vimeo.
    • Our Editorial team will write a summary of your application content for inclusion in the Editorial Feature Email. If you would rather supply this content, please send a brief summary, between 180–200 characters in length (including spaces).
    • The Editorial team will also associate your asset to the Featured Product of your choice, if already published on the SelectScience website. If the product is not published on the SelectScience website already, please provide:
      • Product name
      • Product description consisting of:
        • A brief summary sentence explaining the product, in bold
        • 1 to 3 paragraphs explaining the purpose and key functionality of the product
        • Short bullet pointed list of key features
        • Short bullet pointed list of relevant applications for the product
        • A URL to the product on your site
        • A jpeg image of your product – 1:1 dimension ratio with a minimum of 250 x 250 pixels in size
  • Publication of your news, application notes, whitepapers, or posters on the Editorial Feature page.

All editorial content is subject to approval by our editorial team. The editors reserve the right to accept or reject content for publication, and to make amendments to content before publication.

Image submissions: Any images supplied for publication must have a license for usage. Any liabilities arising from the incorrect use of an image supplied to SelectScience and published on the SelectScience website will be passed on to the provider and/or their agent. In the event of improper usage of a supplied image, SelectScience will charge an administration fee to the image provider and/or their agent.

For more information contact your Account Manager.

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