SelectScience® Exclusive Email Guidelines

What is an Exclusive Email?

  • An exclusive, branded message sent to your target audience on your selected date (subject to availability).
  • Benefit from our production expertise, with SelectScience produced emails achieving an average 25% increase in response rate.

Content Recommendations:

Successful emails feature:

  • Informative & useful Editorial content, such as application notes, white papers, guides, infographics, posters.
  • Videos that feature testimonials from your customers or interviews with key thought leaders.
  • A new and unique product. If focusing on product information, we strongly recommend featuring independent product reviews.
  • Free downloads, giveaways or samples.
  • Concise, informative messaging that details the benefits and applications of the product rather than features – bullet points are particularly effective.
  • Clear calls to action (CTA), above the “fold” of the email.
  • A mixture of button and text-link CTAs.
  • An interesting image in the header, we recommend a maximum height of 200 pixels.
  • A CTA link in the top left of the email, above the header, can increase clicks by up to 10%.

Copy Deadline:

  • 3 weeks prior to the email send date.

Copy Guidelines:

  • Send your existing HTML file.
  • Send text, images and links and our production department will create the email on your behalf.

If supplying HTML:

  • The entire email (including graphical content) should not exceed 70K.
  • The maximum width of the design should be 640 pixels. There is no maximum length, although shorter is better.
  • Maximum 40% images, 60% text. Where copy is mostly image based, try to replace as much as you can with HTML text.
  • Also, in light of unavoidable compatibility issues with Outlook, we also recommend that:
  • o HTML emails be built around tables, rather than using CSS (unless responsive) o Only inline style statements should be used
  • o The use of background images and forms is avoided, as is the use of CSS for table formatting

For SelectScience-produced emails, please supply:

  • Word copy that is informative yet short and to the point.
  • High-resolution images, including your company logo.
  • Examples of preferred brochure or email styles. If no examples are provided, the email will be created using the color scheme and style of your website.
  • Product descriptions, application notes and videos if the product is new, for adding to the SelectScience website.

Please note:

  • We cannot use content created with other, competitor publishers – content must belong to the sponsor, or the sponsor must have the right to use it and it must be unbranded.
  • Image submissions: Any images supplied for publication must have a license for usage. Any liabilities arising from the incorrect use of an image supplied to SelectScience and published on the SelectScience website will be passed on to the provider and/or their agent. In the event of improper usage of a supplied image, SelectScience will charge an administration fee to the image provider and/or their agent.

Premier Exclusive Email

Optimize the results of your exclusive email by upgrading to a Premier Exclusive Email, which also includes:

  • A/B testing of subject lines.
  • Split sending by geography, or to test different subject lines/email content.
  • Resend your email to those who didn’t open the first time.
  • Click mapping to provide data on which content generated the highest response.

For more information contact your Account Manager.