SelectScience® Editorial Newswire Guidelines

What is an Editorial Newswire?

  • A SelectScience-branded editorial newsletter that is sent to the entire relevant community e.g. Life Sciences.
  • Promote your latest news or extend the reach of your content (such as article, video or product).
  • Premier Sponsorship: Your placement can include two links. Your news/editorial content will be placed in the premier space at the top of the email with your first link, and you can include a second link to the featured product (or an additional piece of related editorial content). Additionally, you will receive a guaranteed mention in the editorial introduction.
  • Featured Sponsorship: Your placement includes two links. Your news/content will be placed in a featured section of the newswire, with a second link to the featured product.

Content Recommendations

  • Articles or videos that feature your customers or key thought leaders in the industry.
  • Content that is educational in nature – application notes, white papers, infographics, or posters.

Copy Deadline

  • 3 weeks prior to the newswire send date (for both Premier and Featured sponsors).

Copy Guidelines

  • If submitting an article, application note, white paper, infographic, poster, guide:
  • Please ensure your content is focused on the topic of the newswire.
  • Please send your material as an unlocked PDF document to allow our editorial team to easily extract required information, your document will not be altered. Articles will be added as open material on our website, other PDF content will be gated behind a download form, which can host up to 3 additional qualifying questions (please confirm if required).
  • Our editorial team will write a summary of your material for inclusion in the newswire itself. If you would rather supply this content, please send a brief summary between 180– 200 characters in length (including spaces).
  • Newswire content images for the main placement must be a minimum of 305 x 193 pixels.
  • You will receive a proof of your feature in the email and your editorial content on site approximately 1 week prior to the send date.

If submitting a video:

  • Send a link to the video online or contact us to transfer your video to our server.
  • Please submit your video in .MP4 or .FLV (Flash) format.
  • Please note that we are also able to extract video content from YouTube or Vimeo.
  • You will receive a proof of your feature in the email and your editorial content on site approximately 1 week prior to the send date.

If submitting a product:

  • If the product is already listed on the SelectScience website, please send us a link to it or the name of it.
  • If the product is not listed on the SelectScience website, please send:
  • A product description, we recommend 3–4 paragraphs of text o A URL to the product on your site
  • A JPEG image of your product, 250 x 250 pixels in size.
  • Our editorial team will write a summary of your product description for inclusion in the alert itself. If you would rather supply this content, please send a brief summary between 180–200 characters in length (including spaces). Summaries must explain the benefits of the product and must use language that is informative rather than promotional in nature.
  • You will receive a proof of your feature in the email and your editorial content on site approximately 1 week prior to the send date.

Please note:

  • We cannot link externally from Editorial newswires as they are SelectScience-branded. All content must be published on our website and will link there from the email.
  • We cannot place content created with other, competitor publishers – content must belong to the sponsor, or the sponsor must have the right to use it and it needs to be unbranded.
  • All editorial content is subject to approval by our editorial team. The Editors reserve the right to accept or reject content for publication, and to make amendments to newswire email copy before publication.
  • Image submissions: Any images supplied for publication must have a license for usage. Any liabilities arising from the incorrect use of an image supplied to SelectScience and published on the SelectScience website will be passed on to the provider and/or their agent. In the event of improper usage of a supplied image, SelectScience will charge an administration fee to the image provider and/or their agent.

For more information contact your Account Manager.