SelectScience® Product Listings and Reviews Program Guidelines

What is a Product Listings and Reviews Program?

  • The Program will help purchasing scientists find your product information 24/7 when researching options on the SelectScience website
  • You can optimize the performance of your product listings by generating highly influential, peer-to-peer reviews from your existing customers – access to our Reviews Program materials is included in your Program at no additional cost
  • List your products, antibodies or services

Content Recommendations

  • Focus on the key benefits and applications of your products/antibodies/services
  • Empower your key customers to become influencers – generate product reviews that increase traffic to your pages and conversion to qualified leads.

Content Deadlines

  • If your product listings are new to SelectScience, please provide the completed listing form within a maximum of 1 month of your campaign starting.
  • If you have existing product listings on SelectScience, please provide any updates (additions/deletions/amends) using the listing form within 1 month of your campaign starting.
  • You can make changes to your listing or Top 5 (the 5 products shown on your company profile page) at any time during the remainder of your campaign.
  • You can send a review generation email to your customers at any time during your campaign (we run a bi-monthly competition as an incentive, if you send out after the current competition deadline, any reviewers will be entered into the next drawing).

Content Guidelines

  • After signing your SelectScience campaign agreement, you will be sent an Excel product listing form – please complete this and return it to your Marketing Specialist.
  • For more information or to participate in the Reviews Program, please contact either your Account Manager or Marketing Specialist.

Image submissions: Any images supplied for publication must have a license for usage.

Any liabilities arising from the incorrect use of an image supplied to SelectScience and published on the SelectScience website will be passed on to the provider and/or their agent. In the event of improper usage of a supplied image, SelectScience will charge an administration fee to the image provider and/or their agent.

For more information contact your Account Manager.