What is a Webinar?

  • An educational, online seminar where your experts can engage with your target audience.
  • Our Premium Webinar Program makes it easy, with expert marketing and editorial support, a complete program of promotion, and dedicated on-demand hosting guaranteeing maximum registrations and sales-ready leads.

Content Recommendations:

  • The webinar topic should be based on a technique or application area, presenting either best practice or a novel solution to a problem, ideally involving a customer case study.
  • Your speakers should include at least one customer and/or one application specialist from your company. It is not recommended that sales or marketing professionals present the webinar.
  • The presentation style should be educational and promote interaction with the audience, rather than a product sales pitch. • Plan to make the presentation last between 30–45 minutes with an additional 10–15 minutes for questions (45–60 minutes total running time, including Q&A).
  • As an alternative to a standard presentation, consider a roundtable or panel style discussion instead, as this type of content is very popular with our audience.

Types of webinar services we offer:

  • Premium Exclusive Webinar
  • Dual Event Webinar
  • Rerun Webinar
  • Silver Webinar Program
  • Gold Webinar Program

Premium Webinar Event Benefits:

  • Generate qualified sales leads from a targeted audience of science professionals.
  • Improve brand awareness, during the event and in pre- and post-event marketing.
  • Demonstrate thought leadership and education on specific topics.
  • Engage with a new audience via questions, downloads, polls and feedback.
  • Presented by impartial SelectScience editors.
  • Access to the full details of the registrants and participants.
  • Continued exposure through on-demand archive.


  • A professional online event hosted by a SelectScience Editor, with a live, pre-recorded or pre-filmed presentation.
  • Full pre-event promotion to attract an unlimited high-quality audience through:
  • Promotional emails
  • Social media promotion
  • Banners
  • Editorial promotion
  • During-event moderation, live questions, poll questions, videos, attendee feedback survey and downloadable documents.
  • Complete post-event promotion:
  • Promotional email to all registrants
  • An editorial article featuring your Q&A to reach more contacts
  • Social media promotion
  • Editorial promotion
  • Gated on-demand version available for 2 years providing up to 200+ additional views over 6 months
  • A full metrics report with named registrants and qualified leads from those looking to buy now.

Copy Deadline:

  • Information for the registration page required 7 weeks prior to the agreed broadcast date.
  • If pre-recording with SelectScience, this will need to be booked in a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the broadcast date.
  • Poll and seed questions and any resources can be provided the week before the broadcast date.

Copy Guidelines:

  • A guideline document with a timeline will be provided once the webinar date has been booked. Dual Event Webinar Benefit:
  • Increase your live attendance rate with a dual session webinar, which offers the chance to showcase your presentation at two different times on the same day, thus generating more traction and engagement with purchasing scientists.


  • Everything in the Premium Exclusive Webinar service, plus an additional timeslot to run the presentation based on your target regions.
  • Copy Deadline:
  • Information for the registration page required 7 weeks prior to the agreed broadcast date. If pre-recording with SelectScience, this will need to be booked in a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the broadcast date.
  • Poll and seed questions and any resources can be provided the week before the broadcast date.

Copy Guidelines:

A guideline document with a timeline will be provided once the webinar date has been booked.

Re-Run Webinar Event Benefit:

  • Increase the success of your SelectScience webinar event by re-running it with the same content and new Q&A (optional) at a later date.


  • Everything in the Premium Exclusive Webinar service, using your existing SelectScience webinar presentation and copy.

Copy Deadline:

  • Any changes to the webinar registration page to be provided 5 weeks prior to the broadcast date.

Silver Webinar Program Benefit:

  • Increase your total attendance rate with a Silver Webinar Program, which offers additional on-demand promotion of your webinar, thus generating more traction and engagement with purchasing scientists. Includes:
  • Everything in the Premium Exclusive Webinar service, plus:
  • A Featured Newswire placement to promote the on-demand webinar
  • An additional email to promote the on-demand webinar to anyone in the audience who did not register for the live event.

Copy Deadline:

  • Information for the registration page required 7 weeks prior to the agreed broadcast date.
  • If pre-recording with SelectScience, this will need to be booked in a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the broadcast date.
  • Poll and seed questions and any resources can be provided the week before the broadcast date.

Copy Guidelines:

  • A guideline document with a timeline will be provided once the webinar date has been booked.

Gold Webinar Program Benefit:

  • Increase your total attendance rate and generate more qualified leads with a Gold Webinar Program, which offers additional on-demand promotion of your webinar plus a full re-run of the event later in the year, helping you to reach a new audience.


  • Everything in the Premium Exclusive Webinar service, plus: o A Featured Newswire placement to promote the on-demand webinar o An additional email to promote the on-demand webinar to anyone in the audience who did not register for the live event o A full re-run of your webinar with new Q&A (optional) at a later date.

Copy Deadline:

  • Information for the registration page required 7 weeks prior to the agreed broadcast date.
  • If pre-recording with SelectScience, this will need to be booked in a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the broadcast date.
  • Poll and seed questions and any resources can be provided the week before the broadcast date.
  • Any changes to the registration page for the re-run will be required 5 weeks before the re-run broadcast date.

Copy Guidelines:

  • A guideline document with a timeline will be provided once the webinar date has been booked.

Webinar Series Benefit:

  • Be the market leader in your field, partner with SelectScience on a series of webinars to grow and maximize customer engagement, drive fresh sales leads, and position your brand as the thought leader within a specific technology or application area.


  • Everything in the Premium Exclusive Webinar service, plus two additional webinar events to be run within 6 weeks of the first.

Other webinar services available:

  • Clinical Webinar Accreditation: Increase webinar registrations by enabling your target audience to receive 2x continuing education credits, such as PACE, ACCENT, and more.

Please note:

  • We cannot broadcast webinar content that has been created with other publishers, unless the sponsor has the right to use that content and it must be unbranded.
  • Image submissions: Any images supplied for publication must have a license for usage. Any liabilities arising from the incorrect use of an image supplied to SelectScience and published on the SelectScience website will be passed on to the provider and/or their agent. In the event of improper usage of a supplied image, SelectScience will charge an administration fee to the image provider and/or their agent.

For more information contact your Account Manager.