New Study Shows GA-Map Gut Microbial Composition Test Successfully Identifies IBS Patients That Can Benefit from FODMAP Diet

New test to identify IBS sufferers who respond to diet restrictions

23 Jan 2018
Frankie MacDonald
Administrator / Office Personnel

Genetic Analysis (GA), a leading Microbiome MDx specialist, has announced the publication of a new study in the peer-reviewed journal Digestive Disease and Sciences showing the results of using its GA-map™ Dysbiosis Test for identifying IBS patients who respond to the FODMAP diet and thus receive symptom relief.

At least 10% of the general population is affected by Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Over the last few years, a diet low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs) has proved to be efficient in relieving symptoms of these patients. However, the diet is very demanding and requires the exclusion of entire food groups. Nor do all patients respond to the diet and therefore the potential availability of preselection test has raised a great deal of interest among gastroenterologists. The study was performed by Norwegian researchers from Lovinsberg Diaconal Hospital, Oslo, who developed a Response Index (RI) to 10 specific fecal bacterial markers included in the GA-map™ Dysbiosis Test. Patients with an RI above three were seen to be five times more likely to respond to a FODMAP diet.

"We were excited to see that the GA-map dysbiosis test was able to distinguish the responders to the FODMAP diet from the non-responders", said Jørgen Valeur, principal investigator of the study. “Looking ahead, gut microbial composition, assessed by using the new RI we have developed, may constitute a useful tool in managing IBS symptom relief,”

“We are delighted with the results of this study,” added Ronny Hermansen, CEO of Genetic Analysis. “During the past year, the body of evidence supporting the use of GA-map™ has grown considerably. IBS symptom management is just one of the many potential applications opened up by the provision of a test that can give a rapid and accurate picture of gut microbiota.”

