Mastering micromethods for green analytical chemistry

The analytical scientific community is currently directing significant efforts towards improving sample preparation methods that can cater to a broad spectrum of analytes, while also focusing on sustainability, throughput, and sensitivity. Microextraction and clean-up methods have emerged as successful alternatives to traditional extraction techniques supported by recent groundbreaking developments in analytical instrumentation, namely GC-MS and LC-MS. Unprecedented sensitivity for trace and residue analysis, analyte quantification via triple quadruple (MS/MS), and high-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) analysis have become available for cost-effective and automated sample preparation methods for the analysis of an increased number of analytes1. The advancement of micromethods is currently of high interest in the analytical community – notably for promoting green analytical chemistry processes (GAC)2.

Why micromethods?

Automated analytical micromethods are valuable tools that have the potential to benefit green analytical chemistry. The majority of analytical methods used within trace and residue analysis apply only small amounts of sample extract, with a few microliters required for GC-MS or LC-MS analysis. So, why do we prepare large volumes of extract? In the past, concentration steps with a significant reduction of extraction solvent were common, with the well-known risks being analyte loss during evaporation or adsorption. Plus, large volumes would also be associated with potential contamination from used glassware. Consequently, such methods take time and generate a large amount of solvent and consumable waste. In contrast, by applying micromethods, it is possible to avoid dilution and evaporation, and even work without the need for any solvents.

Micromethods allow users to move towards a green analytical chemistry3. The PAL System supports well-known principles of automated sample preparation, with a collection of proven tools and modules, which, in turn, facilitates the goal of green analytical chemistry:

Micromethods call for automation4:

The PAL System delivers proven micromethods for your laboratory, which are fully automated for improved data quality, and increased sample throughput.

Automated µSPE clean-up is a proven example of an automated micromethod for the clean-up of extracts for pesticide analysis.

“An all-in-one autosampler customized for your needs”  

“The delivery system of this autosampler is unmatched in terms of cleanliness and robustness. The autosampler contains dynamic washing steps that sets it apart from other autosamplers, ensuring no carryover or cross contamination. Versatile to hold plates and vials, this thermostat autosampler enables the user to add on features, making it customizable to your lab's needs.”

Sam Sansil, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center

Micromethods on the PAL System

Micromethods used for sample preparation aim to operate in the microliter range. Instead of using milliliters of solvents or extracts in classical manual methods, only microliter volumes are required. The PAL System is the industry standard for the automation of sample preparation and extract delivery, designed for the automated liquid handling of microliter volumes in high precision. Processing low micro volumes ideally fits the automated workflows of robotic sample preparation using the PAL Systems.

The PAL System's automated workflows are compatible with established regulated methods and can be applied directly to analytical instruments, both offline and online, for delivering prepared extracts. After the automated sample preparation and extract clean-up stage, the PAL workflows can inject online to the analysis instrument of the user’s choice, with microliter volumes. The next sample preparation or extraction stage starts during analysis time, which has been precisely scheduled to be completed with the next expected ready signal of the analysis system. Each sample is prepared on the same timeline for highest reproducibility.

Liquid/liquid microextraction on the PAL System

When conducting trace analysis with small sample sizes, obtaining a representative test portion from a bulk sample can be a significant challenge. Effective comminution and homogenization of larger samples to smaller test portions are essential. For instance, in pesticide analysis of food samples, cryomilling using a lab mill can produce reproducible and sensitive results with test portions as small as 1 g 6,7,8.

Orange juice sample in a 2 mL vial

Liquid/liquid extraction with acetonitrile

Cleaned extract for GC-MS and LC-MS analysis

GC-MS analysis of a blank juice and pesticides mix spiked sample.

GC-MS analysis of a blank juice (black)and pesticides mix spiked sample (yellow).

Micro-SPE applications on the PAL System

Micro-SPE has developed as the new standard for extraction, clean-up, concentration, or filtration for automated green analytical workflows. The design of the new PAL µSPE cartridge allows for the reliable automated processing with high sample throughput, accomplishing the principles of green sample preparation.

The new PAL µSPE cartridge consists of two parts (see figure below). The polymer material used is chemically inert and free from leachables. The outer part (1) provides a higher capacity and flexible volume for filter disks (3) and the sorbent material (4). The bottom outlet is designed to penetrate pre-slit septa and to deliver directly to LC injection ports. The inner plunger (2) provides critical functionality with the compression of the sorbent/filter layers, and a precise needle guide for safe and upright transport. An essential feature is the ability to withstand high pressure and prevent leakage around the syringe needle, which allows for faster loading of larger sample volumes. Applications range from food pesticides, water, and drug analysis to forensic and pharmacological applications

Image of the new PAL µSPE cartridge

The new PAL µSPE cartridge

The recent publication by Nicolas Michlig and Steven J. Lehotay9 (US Department of Agriculture, Wyndmore PA, USA) evaluated the novel septumless µSPE cartridge with high extract load flow rates in the range of up to 10 µL/s, using extract volumes of up 600 µL. More than 250 pesticides were tested using the QuEChERSER methodology with LPGC-MS/MS analysis, which achieved recoveries of 80 to 120% for more than 260 pesticides. Optimization experiments led to a routine extract load volume of 500 µL at 5 µL/s flow rate.

The evaluation of the automated clean-up using the novel PAL µSPE cartridge design for multiresidue analysis of polar pesticides by LC-MS/MS was reported by Lorena Manzano Sanchez, Florencia Jesus, and co-workers10 (EU Reference Laboratory for Pesticide Residues in Fruits & Vegetables, Almeria, Spain). Improved recoveries were achieved for acidic compounds and sulfonylureas. A significant increase in sample throughput, reduction of LC-MS matric ion source effects, and high reliability of the automated method is reported.

Do micromethods work for both solids and liquid samples?

The trend towards micromethods, which can be used for both solids and liquids, demonstrates a growing demand for these techniques within the analytical community. With an annual average of more than 1000 publications for micromethods in sample preparation11 there is the strong tendency towards miniaturization in all areas of chemical analysis12. These activities fit well and support all endeavors for a truly green sample preparation in chemical analysis . The application of micromethods with the PAL System can benefit labs in food, pharma, life sciences or environmental analysis alike.

The best-known examples of automated sample preparation for volatile and semi-volatile analytes (VOCs, SVOCs) are the static and dynamic headspace methods. However, are headspace methods truly micromethods? By definition, they are. Although typically not named as micromethods, we often subsume them as only small volumes of 'gaseous extracts' with less than micro amounts of analytes taken from the sample vial for analysis, followed by direct chromatographic analysis.

Switching from static headspace to dynamic headspace sampling couldn't be easier on the PAL System. To do this, the user needs to simply place the dynamic headspace tool into the PAL System (see graphics) and benefit from highest headspace sensitivity, even for important low-level compounds, e.g. the odor intense sulfur compounds13.

image of ITEX equipment

Working principle of ITEX-DHS

SPME and SPME Arrow on the PAL System

SPME is a cornerstone microextraction technique whereby analytes are extracted from a gaseous or liquid sample by absorption in, or adsorption on, a thin polymer coating fixed to a solid surface of a fiber. SPME combines analyte sampling, isolation, and enrichment into one single step. After extraction, the fiber is removed and inserted directly into a chromatographic instrument, usually GC or HPLC, for desorption and analysis.

PAL System provides a wide range of SPME fibers as well as the more rugged and more sensitive SPME Arrow device for routine high-throughput sample preparation.

SPME Arrow provides up to 10x more sensitivity compared to classical SPME, enabling reliable and robust immersion extraction.

How do different extraction techniques compare? ​

The diagram below outlines the working ranges of the different techniques for GC headspace or immersion extractions. ​

How does the PAL System enable micromethods?

PAL Systems offer a wide range of tools, with static and dynamic tools available for volatile analysis (VOCs). For example, the classical incubator and agitator is used for bringing the sample to extraction temperature. A heated syringe is used for static headspace analysis. Dynamic headspace methods are performed using a sorbent material filled syringe needle operated for extraction by the plunger strokes of a heated syringe (ITEX DHS). Tenax TA™ or Carboxen™ materials are the typically applied sorbents with ITEX DHS for the collection of the (semi) volatiles. The analysis is carried out by thermal desorption into a GC injector.

Solid phase microextraction (SPME) enables fully automated solventless extraction procedures, with a variety of SPME fibers, along with the robust and sensitive SPME Arrow device. This is utilized for high-throughput headspace sampling (HS-SPME) and direct immersion applications (DI-SPME) of both liquid and gaseous samples.

Liquid extractions from solids (solid/liquid extraction, SLE) or liquids (liquid/liquid extraction, LLE) are handled by the PAL System in compatible vial sizes, by adding solvent to the sample with liquid syringes or dispensers, via thorough vortexing and thermostatization. The dispersive liquid/liquid microextraction (DLLME) further miniaturizes the process to a true green microextraction with lowest solvent use and improved analyte concentration14.

Many classical clean-up methods are using solid phase extraction. The PAL Systems offer SPE micromethods for sampling, concentration, and clean-up of liquid samples. The use of micro-SPE cartridges (µSPE) for enrichment, clean-up and even for filtration of samples significantly reduces solvent consumption and preparation time and often improves recoveries15. The processing of the well-known QuEChERS method with the extraction and clean-up are popular examples in this emerging application area. For LC-MS applications, µSPE cartridges inject on PAL Systems with clean-up or filtration directly into LC ports, saving precious processing time for increased sample throughput.

PAL Systems work in prep-ahead and overlapping mode to use the chromatography time for sample preparation, significantly improving the sample throughput. Sensitive samples are treated all on the same time scale ready for analysis without any waiting time, providing the required comparability of results for larger cohort studies. Automated tool changes and parallel operation with dual heads extend the range of options and offer sophisticated sample preparation workflows.

Additional devices and features support even more complex workflows. Cooling, pipetting, dispensing, de/capping, or centrifugation are typical functions integrated into automated workflows. Many PAL System partners offer additional functionality with, for instance, sonication, thermal desorption, powder dosing, weighing or LIMS connectivity as well-known functions to complete proprietary workflows.

Turnkey solutions

A key benefit of using PAL Systems is access to ready-to-go workflows that provide turnkey solutions for automated sample preparation, extraction, dilution, clean-up, and derivatization procedures.

The clean-up of QuEChERS extracts for the analysis of pesticides and environmental contaminants is one example of how robotic instruments can alleviate the demands of sample processing faced by researchers. Watch the video below to explore how this can be achieved using automated, miniaturized SPE and learn how this approach can improve analyte recovery and sample throughout while delivering significant time and cost savings, in this application compendium.

Another common task in food analysis is the quantification of oils, fat and fat containing food via fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) using the AOAC method 996.06. When adhering to this method, samples are often processed manually, which is both labor intensive and exposes lab personnel to potentially hazardous chemicals. This protocol demonstrates how FAME preparation, including injection into the GC, can be fully automated using the PAL RTC workstation to improve process safety, throughput, and traceability.

Covering a variety of applications spanning food, pharma, forensic, environmental research and more, these preprogrammed workflows are designed to enable reliable, high-throughput analysis whilst minimizing labor, solvent volume, and instrument maintenance.

Key applications

Proven micromethods on the PAL System

There are many proven solutions available for improved efficiency, increased sample throughput and reliable automation for a greener analytical chemistry. The PAL System is the undisputed industry standard for micromethods in automated sample preparation today. The important key benefits with the PAL System are turnkey solutions that are already prepared with an application specific configuration in mind. Such turnkey solutions are designed in optimized configuration with the programmed PAL workflow and SOP ready to go. PAL Systems move into routine production right after installation. A time-consuming method development for the lab staff is no longer required.

The following applications demonstrate widely used, popular micromethods proven in routine use with many analytical laboratories from different analytical areas.

QuEChERS Extraction and extract clean-up

The QuEChERS extraction with acetonitrile became a standard method even beyond pesticides analysis. The manual clean-up requires optimized sorbent materials for the different food commodities. With the automated micro-SPE (µSPE) on the PAL System only one cartridge type is needed for all food commodities, even fatty samples, making QuEChERS easy and straightforward with cleaner extracts for extended GC and LC usage for more samples before preventive maintenance16,17.

For homogeneous samples like juices the QuEChERS extraction is carried out as liquid/liquid microextraction (LLME) from only small sample volumes right away fully automated on the PAL System, making µSPE a true green analytical method for unattended high sample throughput17.

Routine pesticide analysis using Micro-SPE

The department of pesticides analysis of the Official Food Control Authority of the Canton of Zürich in Switzerland examines goods from production and trade and analyses food for pesticide residues using the extraction with ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate extraction is well established for many years in pesticide analysis, but clean-up procedures turned out to be a major obstacle for the steadily increasing sample throughput due to the additional manual workload addressing separately the different kind of food commodities of a governmental laboratory. The new automated micro-SPE (µSPE) clean-up workflow was successfully implemented into the laboratory routine procedure for pesticides analysis. This report presents for the first time the application of µSPE for the clean-up of the raw extracts using ethyl acetate as extraction solvent for pesticides from different also critical food commodities.


Pharmaceuticals by online-SPE

Determination of pharmaceuticals in water and surface water using online SPE coupled to liquid chromatography mass spectrometry.

The described micromethod is used for monitoring of pharmaceuticals in surface and waste waters. A challenging sensitivity goal of 10 ng/L was achieved for water monitoring by use of online SPE.

The routine method for the online SPE LC-MS analysis of 24 pharmaceuticals in surface and wastewater is presented.


Determination of odor compounds in water

The typical off-odor substances found in drinking water 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) and geosmin are determined using the SPME Arrow device with GC-MS detection. The PAL System SPME Arrow method is robust, delivers high sensitivity compared to conventional detection methods. The PAL System workflow is fully automated and applied to the control of actual water samples for a wide range of odor compounds in waters.

With high recovery rates for 2-MIB and geosmin off-odor levels significantly below 0.5 ng/L are achieved using the SPME Arrow on the PAL System.

Thin film microextraction also known as thin film-SPME (TF-SPME), semi-automated on the PAL System, extends SPME capacity to an increased extraction phase volume and surface area for ultra-trace level analysis18,19.


Stale aldehydes in beer by SPME with on-fibre derivatization

A main quality problem of beer is the change of its sensory characteristics over time. After packaging, beer begins to lose the fresh, perfect, pure flavor and taste over time. Beer aging is mainly caused by the formation of volatile aldehydes. The SPME Arrow extraction with PfhbA as on-fiber derivatization provides a reliable and fast routine method.

The quantitative GC-MS determination of stale aldehydes in beer, such as 2-methyl-propionaldehyde, 3-methyl-butyraldehyde, 2-methyl-butyraldehyde, valeraldehyde, caproaldehyde, furaldehyde, phenyl-acetaldehyde can be used for the research on anti-aging beer and product quality control.


Quantification of nitrosamines in water

Nitroso compounds are suspected carcinogens and require monitoring on the lowest levels. Carboxen/PDMS SPME fibers and Carbon WR SPME Arrow were compared. Carbon WR SPME Arrow gave a 3-5 x higher extraction yield and detector signal.

The limits of detection (= S/N > 3) range from 5 ng/L for N-nitroso-dipropylamine to 50 n/L for N-nitroso-pyrolindinamine. The repeatability at 1 μg/L ranges from 4–12%.


Odor-intensive sulfur compounds by dynamic headspace

The king of fruits in Asia is the durian. The intense and characteristic smell is mainly attributed by very low-level thiols and thioethers, while the fruity odor comes from higher concentrated esters20,21. Highly sensitive sulfur compound analysis is achieved by dynamic headspace extraction using the ITEX DHS tool of the PAL System and GC-MS analysis22.

While static headspace monitors the higher concentrated compounds the ITEX DHS dynamic HS extraction reveals the lowest level sulfur compound concentrations. A combination of high- and low-level analysis for one sample is achieved on PAL Systems by automated tool change.


Analysis of residual solvents according to the US Pharmacopeia and European Pharmacopoeia

The methods USP <467> and Ph. Eur. 2.4.24 are the standard methods for the analysis of residual solvents in pharmaceutical products. The static headspace method is the established analysis method for both regulations, realized for high precision and throughput on the PAL System.

The headspace analysis is performed with optimized parameters delivering highly reproducible results. The precision of analysis achieved is better than <5% relative standard deviation (RSD) for all class 2 solvents, with the exception of the low response compound 1.4-dioxane at 7.7% RSD. These results fully comply with USP <467> and Ph. Eur. 2.4.24 precision requirements demanding an RSD <15%.

The described set parameters serve as a general reference for headspace analysis using the PAL System.


Drugs of abuse in hair samples

Hair testing is a routine procedure for the detection of drugs of abuse in forensic labs. Decontamination of the hair samples, alkaline digestion, solvent extraction, and the derivatization of the extract for GC-MS analysis is fully automated on the PAL System. All steps take place in 2 mL vials with micro volumes of solvent and reaction usage.

The automated sample preparation with the PAL System can be directly coupled online to any analytical instrumentation for fully automated sample preparation and analysis.


Therapeutic drug monitoring by LC-MS

In therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) or diagnostics based on blood samples, the use of robots is well established avoiding sample handling errors and reducing cost per sample.

The PAL System performs all sample preparation steps, e.g. standard and reagent addition, vortexing, centrifugation, liquid/liquid extraction (LLE) directly from primary tube blood samples, using only micro volumes, and the online injection to LC-MS instrumentation. The unique sensor-controlled blood sampling works reliably and greatly increases process safety.


Fully integrated automated Bligh and Dyer extraction and dual-column analysis for metabolomics analyses

Sample preparation workflows for metabolomic studies of tissues and cells often require a liquid-liquid extraction (LLE). The PAL System automatically prepares the Bligh and Dyer extraction. The robotic platform performed all the necessary extraction steps, splitting the fractions and adding the correct volumes and concentrations of the appropriate reagents and chromatographic standards as needed. The polar water-methanol fractions are injected to LC-MS with on-line dilution and standard addition.

The PAL System method proved significantly less labor intensive and reduced the overall sample preparation time for large sample series.


Plasticizer in polymers by automated TD- GC-MS

The European ROSH Directive and the EU Directive 2005/84/EC1 for toys and childcare articles set limits for the use of phthalates as a plasticizer.

About 500 µg of a sample is required for the quantitative analysis of polymer material by direct thermal desorption GC-MS. The samples are prepared in glass tubes and automatically exchanged by the PAL System with the injection liner of the GC. No solvents are required.

This green solventless analytical method on the PAL System demonstrates a very simple and easy polymer sample preparation in combination with the automated TD- GC-MS analysis compliant with current European phthalate regulations.

Getting started

The PAL Method Composer (PMC) is an easy-to-use graphical tool that allows users to prepare customized automated workflows.

By simply dragging and dropping the individual prep steps users can build a method in minutes. The parameters of the steps are default values that were experimentally determined. However, each step can be adjusted for specific methods.


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