Horiba Showcases HemaCAM® at IBMS Congress

4 Oct 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Horiba showcased the brand new HemaCAM® at the IBMS Congress last week. The latest innovation in computer-assisted microscopy, the HemaCAM® can create a quick and objective differential blood count for even unusual blood samples, quickly and objectively, using fully automated analysis of stained blood smears.

The system automatically analyses stained blood smears and assists the counting and classification of blood cells, promoting error reduction. With the ability to digitally store all images and differential results in a comprehensive evolutionary adaptable database, it can be customised to suit every laboratory’s specific needs and requirements.

HemaCAM’s® innovative technology provides laboratories with consistent, high quality diagnosis with the ability to view microscopic cells live in a high resolution. It is future-proofed to provide optimum support for laboratory analysis through additional planned analytical processes including the differentiation of bone marrow and malaria infection.

