Olympus CKX53 Inverted Microscope for Cell Culture

1 Feb 2016
Lynsey Forsyth
Post Doc / Research Fellow

Merging novel phase contrast technologies, high quality imaging and user-friendly handling, the CKX53 is optimised to enhance a variety of cell culture applications – from live cell observation and documentation to cell sampling and handling.

Olympus’ renowned optical expertise has given rise to the new CKX53 microscope, tailored to the cell culture process. At the core of the CKX53 are the superior Olympus UIS2 objectives with a large field number of 22, providing the basis for excellent image quality. Using the 2X objective, observation is possible over areas of up to 11 mm in diameter. This wide field of view saves processing time through allowing quick screening of cell culture samples without the need to move the stage - and is ideal for observing large embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell colonies in a variety of different microtiter plate formats. Fast processing is vital to minimise the time precious live cells are removed from optimal incubation conditions, and this is further facilitated by the new Olympus unique integrated Phase Contrast (iPC) system. Removing the need to prepare or centre the objectives when moving between 4X and 40X magnification, Phase Contrast observations are fast and efficient with the CKX53. The quality of Phase Contrast observation is also enhanced with the novel Olympus IVC technique, enabling 3D views devoid of halos or directional shadows. In addition to Phase Contrast and brightfield, high contrast fluorescence imaging is possible for multiple signals, utilising the advanced technology of the successful IX3 inverted microscope series.

Further streamlining the cell culture workflow, operational and ergonomic design has been optimised, with different configurations tailored to suit every need. The systems are compact and UV light resistant, and can remain inside the clean bench environment with sliding pads to allow easy one-handed repositioning. Multiple holder types accommodate a range of sample formats and even multi-layer tissue flasks, while significantly higher illumination intensity and uniformity is also achieved with minimal maintenance, thanks to long-life LED illumination.

The CKX53 is the latest addition to the growing Olympus portfolio of cell culture solutions, and complements the new cell counter model R1, which simplifies and shortens the cell counting process to just 15 seconds. These advanced solutions combined with Olympus’ expertise strengthens support to drive cell culture applications, ranging from regenerative medicine to drug development.

Key Features:

Quality UIS2 optics with FN22 provides a comprehensive view
Brightfield, contrast and fluorescence imaging capabilities
Fast and efficient Phase Contrast with iPC
Novel IVC optical technique
Small, ergonomic workflow-optimised design
Bright LED illumination requires minimal upkeep

Relevant Applications:

Cell cultivation
Stem cell research
Life science research
Regenerative medicine
Drug development

