Products & ReviewLife Sciences

2x Hi-RPM Hybridization Buffer, 25 mL

Agilent Gene Expression Hybridization Kits offer consistently more reliable and reproducible microarray results through robust fluorescently-labeled cRNA hybridization. The kit has been optimized with Agilent gene expression microarrays, balancing hybridization temperature, oligo design and components of hyb buffer to maximize specificity and sensitivity of the assay. We provide different kit sizes to respond to different t…

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Agilent Gene Expression Hybridization Kits offer consistently more reliable and reproducible microarray results through robust fluorescently-labeled cRNA hybridization. The kit has been optimized with Agilent gene expression microarrays, balancing hybridization temperature, oligo design and components of hyb buffer to maximize specificity and sensitivity of the assay.

We provide different kit sizes to respond to different throughput needs. In addition, we also provide single components of the kit, fragmentation buffer, blocking agent & hyb buffer, to respond to any processing need.


  • Proprietary buffers effectively fragment cRNA into optimally sized targets and minimize nonspecific binding. The kits are designed to deliver optimal data quality and research confidence.
  • Hybridization time is approximately 16 hours
  • Complete kit includes: Fragmentation Buffer, Blocking Agent and Hybridization Buffer
  • Two formats are available, low and high throughput

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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