960 TitratorPLUS™ System
Orion 960 Titrator Highly Versatile - analytical instrument with complete automation capability 12 Preprogrammed Techniques - automate titrations, pH and direct ion measurement Potentiometric Titrations - including acid/base, redox, precipitation and complexometric Simple - "YES" and "NO" operating commands Method Memory - store up to 20 methods Product Detail Data Collection Software - collect, view, store…

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Fluoride Analysis
We have been using the Orion 960 titrator since 1990. We used it for the determination of fluoride in various samples, concentration from low ppm to high %. The known addition technique is simple and easy to use. The results are accurate.
Review Date: 6 Oct 2015 | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Orion 960 Titrator
- Highly Versatile - analytical instrument with complete automation capability
- 12 Preprogrammed Techniques - automate titrations, pH and direct ion measurement
- Potentiometric Titrations - including acid/base, redox, precipitation and complexometric
- Simple - "YES" and "NO" operating commands
- Method Memory - store up to 20 methods
Product Detail
- Data Collection Software - collect, view, store and print data
- Assured Accuracy™ - titrant delivery with gravimetric calibration
- 960 Module- upgrade your Orion 940 pH/ISE Meter into a Titrator
- Increase Sample Throughput- automate with an Orion AS3000 Autosampler
Ideally suited for dedicated, routine measurements, the Orion 960 is intended for use in laboratories where automation is needed to overcome problems of sample throughput or analytical complexity. What differentiates the Orion 960 from other single parameter analyzers or automatic titrators is its versatility. Not only can it be used for performing classical titrations, it can also automate the measurement of any species measurable by ion selective and pH electrodes. All of the operating procedures appear on the instrument’s display in the form of easy-to-understand questions. Using the Orion 960 improves precision and response time for electrode measurements. Because the analysis is automated, each step is carried out consistently — time after time, operator to operator. The dispenser is a rotary reciprocating pump. Unlike an automatic burette, the pump has no valves to switch for refilling creating no dead volume. Quick release fittings make it easy to disconnect one bottle and connect another. There’s no need to stock spare burettes for fast reagent changes. Typical problems encountered when doing manual analysis are virtually eliminated, making ISE technology better suited for a busy day of testing. Higher levels of automation can be achieved by adding an Orion 960AD Workstation as an auxiliary reagent dispenser. The Orion 960AD is available in two versions with or without electrode holder. You can integrate up to eight workstations and an Autosampler into one system for maximum versatility. For routine measurements, a short form printout is available. All pertinent GLP information is provided, including sample ID, electrode, time, date, and the result. The Model 960 can calculate results in 22 units of measurement. In addition, diagnostic error messages may be printed to provide troubleshooting information. For method development a long form printout is available where raw data is printed, including volume of reagent, millivolts, time elapsed, a plot of the curves where appropriate and method parameters.
Orion 960 Titrator PLUS System, complete with Orion EA 940 pH/ISE Meter and Orion 960 Titrator Plus Module, includes: Base assembly, tower assembly, electrode holder, stirrer, two dispenser probes, anti-diffusion dispenser probe with six tips, tubing kit, calibration kit, cable (Orion 960 and EA 940), reference tablet, two working solution bottles, two dip tubes and caps, line cords, and instruction manual. User selectable power requirement 100/115/220/240V ±10%.
Orion 960 Titrator PLUS Module (Module does not include EA 940). Includes: Base assembly, tower assembly, electrode holder, stirrer, two dispenser probes, one anti-diffusion dispenser probe with six tips, tubing kit, calibration kit, cable (Orion 960 EA 940), reference tablet, two working solution bottles, two dip tubes and caps, PROM upgrade kit (to update software in EA 940), line cord, and instruction manual. User selectable power requirement 100/115/220/240 10%.