AccuTOF™ GCxGC Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
In combination with comprehensive 2D gas chromatography (GCxGC) using the Zoex thermal modulator, the AccuTOF™ GCxGC Mass Spectrometer offers both powerful chromatographic separation and high-resolution mass spectra.
The AccuTOF-GCxGC also offers a variety of ion sources and features an Instrument Detection Limit (IDL) of 16 fg, statistically calculated from repeated injections of 100 fg octafluoronaphthalene (OFN). High resolution and mass accuracy allow for rapid elemental composition determination and target compound identification. With a fast analog-to-digital converter providing high linear dynamic range, the JEOL AccuTOF-GCxGC is perfectly suited to analyzing complex mixtures of true unknowns — even at low concentrations. Applications include: environmental, petroleum, polymers and materials, forensics, foods, flavors, and fragrances.
Multiple ionization methods
The AccuTOF-GCxGC is designed for optimum throughput, operation, and uptime. An optional combination EI/FI/FD ion source eliminates the need for source exchange for these experiments. Gas chromatography/field ionization can also be used to characterize samples that would be difficult to analyze by any other technique.
- Electron Ionization (EI)
- Chemical Ionization (CI)
- Field Desorption (FD)
- Field Ionization (FI)
- Combination EI/FI/FD
- Photoionization (PI)