Products & Review

Akura™ PLUS Hanging Drop System (10/pack)

InSpheroAvailable: Worldwide

The world-famous and unique Akura™ PLUS Hanging Drop System in a 96-well format with automation-compatible top-loading. Suitable for many cell types, including cells that do not normally form spheroids or organoids on ULA surfaces. The System contains 10 Akura™ PLUS Hanging Drop Plates and 10 Akura™ 96 Spheroid Plates, individually wrapped, made of polystyrene and cyclo olefin polymer, sterile, includes lid.  


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The Akura™ PLUS Hanging Drop System is suitable for many cell types, inlcuding cells that do not normally form spheroids or organoids on ultralow-attachment (ULA) surfaces.

  • Loading of cell suspension from the top through unique SureDrop™ inlet engineered for highly uniform and stable hanging drops.
  • Gravity-assisted formation of uniform spheroid/organoid morphology and functionality in long-term culture results in one spheroid per well.
  • ANSI/SLAS 96-well standard format for full compatibility with automated liquid handling systems.
  • Free-floating spheroids are fully accessible and can be transferred to Akura™ 96 Spheroid Plates for long-term culturing or analysis.

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