ARACUS – Amino Acid Analyzer
The high-end amino acid analyzer operates in the following areas: research, food quality control (own patent 10 2016 010 887), beverages, and feedstuff, and in the clinical laboratory.
Great device, very good results. Tolles Gerät, sehr gute Ergebnisse.
Amino acid analysis. Aminosäuren Analytik.
The device is very easy to use and delivers fast and reliable results. The support during installation and training was very good. Das Gerät ist sehr gut zu bedienen, liefert schnelle und zuverlässige Ergebnisse . Die Betreuung bei Installation und Schulung war sehr gut.
Review Date: 20 May 2024 | MembraPure GmbH
Analysis of amino acids in human samples. urine, blood, cerebrospinal fluid
We have been using the Aracus analyzer in our laboratory for almost a year. So far there has been no technical problem, it is quite easy to work with. We are satisfied and definitely recommend it for amino acid analysis.
Review Date: 22 Jan 2024 | MembraPure GmbH
Great results overall
Analyze amino acids in cell culture samples
The ARACUS amino acid analyzer has been great in analyzing our samples. The system is so easy to use and very reliable. MembraPure customer service are so helpful.
Review Date: 14 Mar 2023 | MembraPure GmbH
Great results
Analyses of water samples
The amino acid analyzer ARACUS has been in operation since 2016 and fits perfectly with our needs. We analyze free amino acids in water. The analyzes are carried out routinely and fully automatically. The results are reproducible. We are supported by MembraPure experts in evaluating the methods.
Review Date: 16 Feb 2022 | MembraPure GmbH
Easy to use, good reproducibility, good service. [Original text: einfach zu bedienen, gute Reproduzierbarkeit, guter Service]
Analyze metabolites in plant materials
The amino acid analyzer ARACUS has been in operation since 2013 and fits perfectly with our questions. The application of our ARACUS system is diverse. We analyze free amino acids in plant extracts, investigate the influence of various stress factors on secondary metabolites. The analyzes are carried out routinely and fully automatically. The results are reproducible. We are supported by MembraPure experts in evaluating the methods. [Original text: Der Aminosäureanalysator ARACUS ist seit 2013 in Betrieb und passt hervorragend zu unseren Fragestellungen. Die Anwendung unseres ARACUS-Systems ist vielfältig. Wir analysieren freie Aminosäuren in Pflanzenextrakten, untersuchen den Einfluss verschiedener Stresseinflüsse auf Sekundärmetabolite. Die Analysen werden routinemäßig und vollautomatisch durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse sind reproduzierbar. Bei der Methodenevaluierung werden wir von MembraPure-Experten unterstützt.]
Review Date: 9 Nov 2021 | MembraPure GmbH
Zuverlässiges und haltbares Produkt mit reproduzierbaren Ergebnissen. Translation: Reliable and durable product with reproducible results.
Determination of amino acids in spices and beer. Bestimmung von Aminosäuren in Würze und Bier
Das Gerät ist bei uns seit 2009 in Betrieb. Es liefert reproduzierbare Ergebnisse. Es ist haltbar und wartungsarm. Kleinere Störungen wie Undichtigkeiten und Verstopfungen können auf Grund der Übersichtlichkeit und Zugänglichkeit des Gerätes selbst behoben werden. Lange Vorlauf- bzw. Laufzeiten. Translation: The device has been in operation with us since 2009. It provides reproducible results. It is durable and low maintenance. Minor faults such as leaks and blockages can be remedied due to the clarity and accessibility of the device itself. Long lead times or runtimes.
Review Date: 4 Oct 2021 | MembraPure GmbH
Very good results.
Analyze amino acids in plasma and serum
System is easy to use and the support from the company is very good. Also, the MembraPure distributor is very helpful with us.
Review Date: 26 Sept 2021 | MembraPure GmbH
Excellent equipment with good reproducibility.
Meat and dairy products
Sensitivity and reproducibility are sufficient for our work. The software is easy-to-use and intuitive and maintenance is also quite easy. Problems arose after improper preservation of the instrument, but a service engineer helped fix the problem. Sufficiently long-term sample preparation of meat and dairy products.
Review Date: 10 Feb 2021 | MembraPure GmbH
Convincing due to its reliability, accuracy and time efficiency.
Amino acid analysis of freeze dried samples from plants
We have been determining the free amino acids in plant samples with the ARACUS amino acid analyzer since 2010. From the beginning, we were won over by the very good service provided by the team from membraPure. The high accuracy and reproducibility of the measurement results should be emphasized, which is an advantage for long-term monitoring studies. The system works reliably and the provision of ready-made solutions and standards means that the amino acid analyzer is extremely user-friendly. Due to the fully automatic and time-efficient operation of the device, the determination of the amino acids is also very suitable for numerically extensive sample series.
Review Date: 5 Feb 2021 | MembraPure GmbH
Overall, a very stable and easy-to-use amino acid analyzer.
Analysis of physiologic fluids
We replaced our Biochrom 30 instrument with a new ARACUS this year and have been using it almost daily for ~3 months. Overall, it is very stable and we have not had any major issues thus far. Sensitivity and reproducibility are sufficient for our clinical diagnostic work. The software is easy-to-use and intuitive and maintenance is also quite easy. Follow up care with membraPure has also proven to be excellent, as we are continuing to learn the nuances of the instrument and attempt to optimize some protocols.
Review Date: 1 Feb 2021 | MembraPure GmbH
ARACUS works on the principle of golden standard, the post-column derivatization with ninhydrin, and the detection at 440nm and 570nm using maintenance-free LED photometers.
With a separation of more than 50 amino acids by cation exchange chromatography and a detection limit of < 2 nmol/mL, ARACUS offers the customer a wide range of application fields:
- Determination of free/physiological amino acids in blood plasma, dried blood spots, serum salvia, and urine (e.g. New Born Screening)
- Determination of hydrolyzed amino acids in food, beverages, and feedstuff
- Determination of biogenic amine for the investigation of metabolic processes (plants animals, humans)
ARACUS advantages:
- Detectors with maintenance-free LED technology (440 & 570 nm) - no UV/VIS lamp degeneration and lamp exchange
- Chloride-free and citrate-free buffer system - Less aggressive to the components of the liquid handling tubes, fittings, and connection
- Small eluent consumption - About 200 µL/min in analysis mode
- High sensitivity of amino acids and a choice of two sensitivity detector levels
- Level sensors for eluents - Warn the user if the needed fluidic volume is too low for the planned analysis
- Easy access to all components of the entire system