Array Tape™
Array Tape is a thin (0.3 mm) and flexible continuous polymer strip, serially embossed with reaction wells in customised volumes and formats including 96- and 384-well array. A reel with 40 meters of Array Tape carries 277 equivalents of a 384-well plate (106, 368 reaction wells). Array Tape is the ideal consumable for fast, streamlined and continuous lab workflow processes.

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Array Tape Benefits The design of Array Tape and the modular inline platform maintains the flexibility of microplate-based technology while virtually eliminating manual handling and complex robotics. Each 96, 384 or 768-well array in tape is labelled with a unique 2D-barcode and a human readable number ensuring accurate identification of individual samples during and after processing The maximum well volume is 2 µL. The ideal working volume is 0,8 µL - 1,6 µL. Array Tape is optimised for KASP™ genotyping assay and KlearKall™ assay reagents for genotyping Can be stored at -80°C and can stand +99°C in PCR thermal cycling Suitable for stable storage of chemical compounds Array Tape is customisable to your individual requirements. Cost-effective and environmentally conscious Plastic required to manufacture a 384-well microplate is 7x greater (23.1g) than 384-well array in Array Tape (3.1g) Reagent storage, handling and disposal is reduced by 80% due to smaller reaction volumes in Array Tape (<0,8 µL/well) versus 384-well microplates (5 µL/well) Waterbath thermocycling of Array Tape spools replaces hundreds of block heaters that require 35x more energy. Array Tape reduces plastic, reagent and energy consumption.