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Automation Portal

With Waters simple-to-use Automation Portal, you can easily automate your ACQUITY and Arc UPLC, UHPLC, and HPLC Systems and maximize your lab’s efficiency – minimizing tedious manual procedures in your LC workflows, improving lab throughput, reducing analyst errors, and freeing up time to focus on your science.


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Whether your goal is to maximize the efficiency of your lab or improve instrument utilization, Waters Automation Portal helps you get the most from the Waters liquid chromatography (LC) systems that you know and trust.

  • Streamline your LC workflow by enabling physical sample transfer into ACQUITY and Arc sample managers using robotic arms
  • Simplify installation onto ACQUITY and Arc sample managers for ACQUITY and Arc Premier UPLC/UHPLC Systems, ACQUITY UPLC H-Class and I-Class PLUS Series, and ACQUITY Arc and Arc HPLC Systems
  • Leverage third-party integrators for installs and data integration using Empower Toolkit, MassLynx Software, and waters_connect APIs
  • Establish processes using automation scheduling software designed for use with the Automation Portal
  • Optimize lab space by maintaining a small footprint
  • Achieve quality and consistency by reducing analyst errors

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