Azure 500 Gel Imaging System
Infrared Western Blot Imaging System
Easy to understand, quality imaging, great customer care
Gel electrophoresis, western blots
Their machinery is accurate, simple to use, and compact. Furthermore, their customer service and their communication with the client is exceptional.
Review Date: 17 Oct 2022 | Azure Biosystems
Amazing and accurate results, reliable on every use!
Analyzing Gels, Western Blotting
The Azure 500 is incredibly simple to use, it is compact and provides accurate and reliable results. The imaging of gels especially is amazing and provides various modifications to image the gel in a number of ways. Customer service answers promptly to questions about the system and troubleshooting. It is 100% worth the money, the quality speaks for itself!
Review Date: 11 May 2022 | Azure Biosystems
The Azure 500 is the only system that offers two channel laser based IR detection, chemiluminescent detection with the speed and sensitivity of film, and the ability to image standard EtBr and protein gels. Infrared Laser Excitation for Quantitative Western Blot Imaging in the NIR Improve your Data Quality Imaging with infrared dyes offers signal stability and low background fluorescence Imaging with NIR dyes allows you to study multiple proteins in a blot, even if those proteins overlap in molecular weight.
The Azure 500's laser technology offers two IR detection channels, enabling a user to image more than one protein in an assay. Sensitive Detection of Proteins with Chemiluminescent Westerns Get Out of the Dark The Azure 500 provides accurate and fast chemiluminescent detection, as well as the sensitivity, dynamic range, and linearity needed for quantitative blot analysis. Get the best picture every time, and stop wasting money on film! UV, color imaging, blue-excited DNA dyes, Coomassie gel imaging, and More A Total Solution for Western Blot Imaging and Gel Documentation.
The Azure 500 is a multichannel, multimodal imager, with IR, visible light, and UV excitation channels. Also included is AzureSpot, an easy-to-use imaging software package for imaging single or multicolor blots and DNA and protein gels. The software comes with a software tutorial for easy training of new users.