Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Chromatrap® UniqSeq Kit - ChIP & Library Preparation

Streamline your ChIP and library preparation with the Chromatrap kit that allows you to sequentially perform ChIP and library preparation for next-generation sequencing.  

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The Chromatrap® UniqSeq kit combines its revolutionary solid state technology and next-generation buffer chemistry to deliver a faster and more efficient workflow from start to finish. Obtain high-quality libraries low cell numbers from a wide range of samples. Be ready-to-sequence in just under 8 hours.

Features and Benefits:

  • Cost-effective complete kit - All the reagents you need from start to finish. 24 ChIP's, 24 library preparation, 12 indices.
  • 1-tube reaction - End-repair, A-tail and ligate in a single step. No clean-up required between reactions.
  • Validated in ChIP - Prepare libraries from any ChIP sample with ease and reassurance.
  • Integrated solid state system - Leading bead-free system for performing highly sensitive, effective ChIP with ease. Flexibility of size selection with bead-free workflow.
  • High-fidelity PCR mix - Minimise GC bias and obtain high library yields with high fidelity of original sample.
  • Indexing primers for Illumina included - Create high quality, complex libraries with low duplication rates.

Product Overview
