Clarity Elemental Analysis Software
Determining the Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Sulphur (CHNS-O) content of unknowns is one of the most basic and essential needs of any chemist. Clarity Elemental Analysis Software is based on proven Clarity Chromatography Software. This solution provides a simplified version of the Clarity user interface that speeds up the workflow with elemental analyzers equipped by autosamplers. Clarity Elemntal Analysis Softwar…

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Determining the Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Sulphur (CHNS-O) content of unknowns is one of the most basic and essential needs of any chemist.
Clarity Elemental Analysis Software is based on proven Clarity Chromatography Software. This solution provides a simplified version of the Clarity user interface that speeds up the workflow with elemental analyzers equipped by autosamplers. Clarity Elemntal Analysis Software is designed for use with elemental analyzers using the combustion/gas chromatography technique.
Its user interface is optimized for maximum efficiency in repetitive tasks. Using features that are specific to EA Analysis, such as Standard Table, automatic weight input from analytical balance and other improvements, EA Extension provides an interactive and automated tool for determining the Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Sulfur (CHNS-O) content of unknowns.