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Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KGAvailable: Worldwide

High-throughput N and S analyzer for organic matrices

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Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG

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compEAct - Choose the EAsy Way. compEAct is the ULTIMATE analyzer for demanding high-throughput applications. The compEAct series offers compact, space-saving combustion systems for the fast and cost-effective determination of Total Sulfur and Total Nitrogen in liquids, gases and LPG samples. They combine efficient, catalyst-free high-temperature combustion with highly sensitive HiPerSens® detection thus providing outstanding analytical performance and application flexibility with a high ease-of-use. Using an integrated, powerful computer and a touch screen for operation and data evaluation, compEAct is the first stand-alone elemental analyzer in the world truly requiring minimum lab space. A direct LAN connection furthermore allows remote access, e.g. from an on-site control room or on the move via mobile phone, and easy integration into existing LIMS.

The application-specific design of the hardware and software of the instruments guarantee simple operation and an impressive sample throughput. Integrated method libraries as well as calibration sequences compliant with ASTM, ISO, UOP and IP simplify analysis enormously. The Self Check System and a messaging function create the prerequisites for safe unattended operation. All relevant parameters are monitored and optimized in real time. If there is need for intervention by the operator, the system notifies this with a message, e.g. on the smartphone.

compEAct is available in three application-optimized device versions:

compEAct N – Elemental analyzer for total nitrogen (TN) determination,

compEAct S – Elemental analyzer for total sulfur (TS) determination and

compEAct SMPO – Elemental analyzer for interference-free sulfur (TS) determination in fuels and other refinery samples.

Product Overview
