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DairyGuard Milk Powder Analyzer


DairyGuard Milk Powder Analyzer


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Guarding Against the Next Melamine

The DairyGuard Milk Powder Analyzer provides non-targeted screening of adulteration to ensure the quality of your milk powder products. This system helps you deliver your most important ingredient by far: peace of mind.

  • Fast and simple measurement makes the Frontier an ideal platform
  • Easily cleanable surface and rotating sample holder allow for consistent sampling quality
  • Dual range option is available for MIR and NIR analyses on the same system
  • DairyGuard Touch Apps software is available, or the DairyGuard method development service can be utilized to customize protocols

The DairyGuard can accommodate various sized petri dishes for easy measurement in any lab environment. We’ve also designed the system with full self-checking and diagnostics to ensure it is always performing at the highest capacity, and optimized for the most dependable results. See the configurations table below for available options for the system.

The DairyGuard Milk Powder Analyzer system features:

  • Enhanced Frontier instrument with NIR sampling capabilities
  • NIRA II Near Infrared Reflectance Accessory with 60mm Wireless Sample Spinner
  • Spectrum Workflow Developer software package
  • DairyGuard Touch Apps software

IR Ready for Any Challenge

The enhanced Frontier FT-NIR spectrometer features:

  • Temperature-stabilized DTGS (deuterated triglycine sulfate) NIR detector with <10µA RMS noise over 250nm range for a 1 minute scan
  • Optical system with CaF2 beamsplitter to enable quality data collection over a range of 14,700 – 2,000 cm-1 at a best resolution of 0.5 cm-1
  • Standard KBr windows
  • Standard gold optics
  • Standard AVC/APV/AVI configuration

For the DairyGuard system, the Frontier can be optionally configured as a dual range, MIR/NIR platform to expand the breadth of your analyses and allow for effortless transition between transmission, reflectance, and transflectance modes, and measurement of other ingredients.

Setting the Standard

The Frontier is loaded with a range of advanced innovations designed to provide optimal performance from the configuration you choose.

  • Dynascan interferometer – Fixed mirror-pair interferometer design does not require dynamic alignment to compensate for errors

Atmospheric Vapor Compensation (AVC)

  • Automatic Performance Verification (APV) – Optional feature comprising an integrated, fully automatic filter wheel containing traceable reference materials and software allowing for abscissa, ordinate, noise, ASTM, and USP tests to be performed.
  • Absolute Virtual Instrument (AVI) – Optional AVI standardization using gas phase methane spectra ensures instruments are accurately calibrated. Unique standardization allows data to be transferred precisely between instruments, side-by-side or in remote locations.
  • Sigma-Delta Conversion: The use of Sigma-Delta converters in the digitization of the FT-IR interferogram improves the dynamic range, reduces spectral artifacts, and increases ordinate linearity to provide accurate, reproducible results.
  • Variable J-stop – Limits beam divergence to provide optimal measurements at all resolutions, including intermediate settings.

Results Matter

The DairyGuard Touch Apps software includes built-in methods and advanced algorithms developed by PerkinElmer scientists to screen for known and unknown economic adulterants in milk powder, as well as performing the same fast measurements routinely used for protein, moisture, and fat monitoring. This non-targeted safety testing allows for quick, simple, on-the-spot screening of samples. For specialized industries requiring a custom set of protocols, the DairyGuard Method Development Service is available to help guide you through the development process.

The Spectrum 10 software suite drives the Frontier NIR system and can support advanced FT-NIR analysis in research and industrial laboratories, always providing optimal results. The software supplied with your instrument enables you to control the instrument and to manipulate the spectra that you collect. The spectrometers can operate in ratio, single-beam, or interferogram mode.

With the Spectrum Workflow Developer software package, Spectrum 10 software is included, along with the revolutionary Spectrum Adulterant Screen for identifying contaminants, Spectrum Quant for incorporating algorithms for quantitative measurements, and Spectrum Touch Developer for creating customized Touch Apps for specialized, simplified workflows.

Product Overview
