DNeasy 96 PowerSoil Pro QIAcube HT Kit (5)
For the isolation of microbial genomic DNA from soil and stool on the QIAcube HT

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Good results, high performance, good reproduce ability
Great performance
Review Date: 22 Oct 2022 | QIAGEN
Extracting microbial DNA from large amounts of soil and stool samples can be challenging. QIAGEN’s new DNeasy 96 PowerSoil Pro QIAcube HT Kit uses our new Pro technology to enable isolation of high yields of pure microbial DNA from all soil types, including compost, clay and top soil, stool and gut samples. The kit is automated on the QIAcube HT for reproducible purification of up to 96 samples at one time.
The new PowerBead Pro Tubes or PowerBead Pro Plates can be purchased separately for homogenization in the preferred format. The beads and optimized chemistry enable more efficient lysis of bacteria and fungi. The kit also contains streamlined Inhibitor Removal Technology (IRT) to eliminate the challenging inhibitors commonly found in stool, soil and environmental samples in even less time. Sequencing results reveal higher alpha diversity as measured by observed operational taxonomic units (OTUs) compared to other tested methods.