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EOTrol™ is a line of dynamic coatings providing unprecedented control over electroosmotic force and flow (EOF) in capillary and microfluidic electrophoretic systems that is nearly pH- and buffer-independent. A small amount of these proprietary coatings added to the electrophoretic buffer can be used to control, suppress, or even reverse EOF, in bare silica capillaries at all buffer pHs between 2 and 12. EOTrol™ dynamic coating…

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EOTrol™ is a line of dynamic coatings providing unprecedented control over electroosmotic force and flow (EOF) in capillary and microfluidic electrophoretic systems that is nearly pH- and buffer-independent. A small amount of these proprietary coatings added to the electrophoretic buffer can be used to control, suppress, or even reverse EOF, in bare silica capillaries at all buffer pHs between 2 and 12. EOTrol™ dynamic coatings are stable to chaotropic agents, such as 8M urea, and surfactants, and are user-selectable to optimize EOF for each separation objective.

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