Products & ReviewLab Automation

epMotion® 96 Flex

The Eppendorf epMotion® 96 Flexis a compact easy-to-use 96-channel semi-automated pipetting system for fast & precise parallel 96 channel microplate processing with interchangeable dispensing heads for a wide volume range (0.5µL – 1,000 µL).

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The Eppendorf epMotion® 96 Flexis acompact easy-to-use 96-channel semi-automated pipetting system for fast & precise parallel 96 channel microplate processing with interchangeable dispensing heads for a wide volume range (0.5µL – 1,000 µL).

Effortlessly process 96- and 384-well plates with the flexibility of an exchangeable dispensing head, accommodating a wide volume range. The intuitive interface at the device’s base ensures ergonomic operation, even in laminar flow cabinets.


  • Enables fast and easy liquid handling in both 96-well and 384-well plates.
  • Two exchangeable dispensing heads across a wide volume range from 0.5 - 1,000 μL
  • User control positioned at the bottom of the device for ergonomic handling
  • Touchscreen user interface with intuitive software
  • Dispensing heads calibrated according to ISO 23783-2 standards


  • Replication and reformatting of plates
  • Magnetic bead clean-up
  • Reagent & compound addition
  • Cell-based assays
  • ELISA handling (plate coating & wash)
  • Biochemical assays

Product Overview
