Excyte® 20 Automated ESR Analyzer
A fully featured, high capacity, high performance automated sed rate analyzer.
Excellent fast and reliable results in a rapid response lab setting.
To test STAT ESR's in a rapid response laboratory
This products yields accurate and precise results and has yielded better TAT for my laboratory. It is easy to use and my techs love it. My company has even chosen to write an interface for it so it can be completely error free of any data entry errors! Great job and great value!
Review Date: 23 Mar 2021 | ELITechGroup
Love it, easy to use and doesn't take up alot of space.
Sed rates per provider's orders
Using this analyzer not only cut turn around time down to 30 mins, it is saving us money on salaries by freeing up techs.
Review Date: 2 Aug 2019 | ELITechGroup
Get good results - always do well on Proficiency Tests!
ESR in physician office lab
Compact instrument size and can do multiple samples in short time period. Easy to operate.
Review Date: 28 Feb 2018 | ELITechGroup
Love this instrument.
Blood analysis- esr
We love this instrument. It is easy to use, accurate and is interfaced to our LIS.
Review Date: 28 Feb 2018 | ELITechGroup
Very simple to set tests up and faster results.
Hematology ESR
It is very useful small instrument to get reliable quality results.
Review Date: 24 Aug 2016 | ELITechGroup
Good analyzer but doesn't mix specimen as it should
Love the analyzer, but the mixing function has never worked. I wish I could get it interfaced with my LIS but this is probably a problem at my end.
Review Date: 3 Aug 2016 | ELITechGroup
This is a great sedimentation rate analyzer and is very reliable and accurate.
This analyzer is very easy to use- it positively identifies each specimen, mixes it and sends results across to our LIS all with minimal user effort.
Review Date: 29 Jul 2016 | ELITechGroup
The Excyte 20 from ELITechGroup more than meets the needs of laboratories requiring high performance and more capacity in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) testing.
With 20 positions and 15-minute test time, the Excyte 20 performs up to 80 sedimentation rate tests per hour. High performance and productivity features come standard on the Excyte 20 analyzer including on-board mixing, on-board QC, integrated positive sample identification, built-in printer and patient results archive.
Closed-tube sampling and ELITech’s direct-draw, plastic vacuum tubes help to ensure a safe work environment for laboratory staff.
At no additional cost, Excyte customers are encouraged to participate in an on-line, inter-laboratory comparison of QC data to evaluate performance and/or method against a peer group.
- High Capacity and Throughput
Performs a complete sed rate test in 15 minutes. With a 20-sample capacity, the Excyte 20 delivers up to 80 sed rate test results per hour. - Reliable Results with Excellent Correlation
Delivers excellent correlation with the manual Westergren method, giving your laboratory confidence in results reporting. Automatic temperature correction delivers better reproducibly of results by normalizing values to 18oC. - On-Board Quality Control
Allows lot number and value range entry for normal and abnormal controls, stores daily QC results for quick retrieval, and automatically creates Yudon Plot graphs to quickly analyze daily QC results. - Positive Sample Identification
The built-in barcode scanner quickly scans and stores patient identification, saving your laboratory valuable time. - On-board Sample Mixing
Mixes samples on-board, providing your laboratory consistent mixing which increases reliability of results while saving time - Closed Tube Sampling & Testing
Increases the safety of your laboratory personnel by reducing exposure to blood. Direct-draw Excyte plastic vacuum tubes provide peace of mind that a slip in the laboratory means no exposure to glass sharps and potential pathogens. - Integrated Printer
The built-in printer automatically prints patient and QC results after each test is complete, eliminating the possibility of transcription errors. All stored tests and QC data can be printed. - Patient Results Archive
Stores up to 500 patient results with ID that can be retrieved on screen or printed at any time. - Random Access
Provides your laboratory convenience and flexibility, allowing you to run tests at any time and in any order. - RS232 Interface
Provides the ability to interface to your Laboratory Information System.