Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Freedom EVO® - HSM Workstation

The Freedom EVO HSM workstation is designed to meet the needs of biobanks and high throughput genomics laboratories, providing reliable walkaway extraction of gDNA from up to 10 ml of blood using Promega’s proven ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System.

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Tecan and Promega have co-developed the Freedom EVO HSM workstation, a turnkey solution for fully automated extraction of gDNA from whole blood samples.

This efficient and reliable workstation is designed to streamline biobanking workflows, offering intelligent one-tube gDNA extraction from up to 32 samples in less than four hours. The workstation is equipped with a number of innovative modules – including an eight-channel vacuum manifold for effective large volume waste removal – providing fast and efficient high throughput tube processing. The platform’s integrated Promega ReliaPrep LV 32 HSM instrument provides automated shaking, heating and magnetic recovery, enabling extraction of ‘ready to use’ gDNA into 50 ml conical tubes. Using the platform’s liquid level detection function, the system is able to automatically calculate the reagent volumes for each sample, minimizing reagent consumption and ensuring efficient walkaway extraction of high quality DNA from variable sample volumes (1-10 ml of whole blood) in a single run, with user-defined elution volumes.

The compact system is controlled via Tecan’s intuitive TouchTools™ touchscreen interface, and features pre-installed protocols that have been rigorously tested and verified by Promega. Complete automation of this workflow ensures excellent yields of consistent high molecular weight gDNA fragments, meeting the specific requirements of next generation sequencing methods. Optional sample and reagent barcoding provides robust process security, and customizable reporting documents for each purification run allow easy monitoring for quality control, auditing and regulatory purposes.

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