Genscript Precast Gels
GenScript's gel series include-SurePAGE™ Gels which are the premium, higher resolution, and reproducibility gels, and ExpressPlus, good quality, and very cost-effective gels.
Great results! Save a lot of time for writing and publishing.
Analyze proteins from mammalian cells, particularly centrosomes.
These gels are pretty handy for running western blots anytime in the lab. They always give the best results, and any lab can afford them.
Review Date: 27 Sept 2021 | GenScript
GenScript's Bis-Tris precast gel series are high-performance polyacrylamide gels that are designed to separate a wide range of protein sizes by electrophoresis. The gels are cast in a neutral pH buffer that minimizes polyacrylamide hydrolysis and increases gel stability. They also run at neutral pH which minimizes protein modification compared to Tris-glycine gels.